[. . . ] This section provides a brief tour of the QuadraSynth, shows you how to audition the various sounds of the QuadraSynth, and points out the various performance features. Details rear panel connections (like MIDI, footpedals and the optical digital interface), proper hook-up procedures, plus application examples. Covers the structure of sound sources within the QuadraSynth, how to read and navigate through the LCD display pages, how to edit parameters, and how to store edited Programs, Mixes and Effects. Describes all global functions, such as Master Tuning, Display Contrast, Keyboard Mode, Edit Mode and 48 kHz Clock In. [. . . ] All modulators work in the same way, so only one will be described here. Modulation Source Quad Knob [1] selects one of several modulation sources: Note # provides a modulation signal that corresponds to the note played on the keyboard (higher keys give higher values). Example: Use this modulation source to obtain a different sound in the upper and lower keyboard ranges. Velocity relates to how fast a key goes from the key up (note off) to the key down (note on) position, and therefore represents the dynamics of your playing. Release velocity relates to how fast a key goes from the key down (note on) to the key up (note off) position. Example: Use this to affect the level of a sounds release based on how fast you remove your fingers from the keys. 68 QuadraSynth Reference Manual Editing Programs Aftertouch Pressing on the keys after theyre down generates this control signal. Aftertouch is also called channel pressure, and represents an average of all keys being pressed. The harder you press on the keys, the greater the degree of modulation. Polyphonic Pressure This is similar to aftertouch, but each key can respond to individual pressure messages. Although the QuadraSynth keyboard does not generate poly pressure, the sound generators can respond to poly pressure signals entering via the MIDI In. Example: Assign poly pressure to the sounds amplitude in a string ensemble patch. You can then increase the level of selected notes of a held chord to pull some notes out of the chord. Pitch Amplitude Pitch LFO Speed Pitch LFO Delay Pitch Envelope Attack Pitch Envelope Sustain Decay Pitch Envelope Amp Filter LFO Amp Filter Envelope Delay Filter Envelope Decay Filter Envelope Release Amplitude LFO Speed Amplitude LFO Delay Amplitude Envelope Attack Amplitude Envelope Sustain Decay Amplitude Envelope Amp Filter Cutoff Effect Send Pitch LFO Amp Pitch Envelope Delay Pitch Envelope Decay Pitch Envelope Release Filter LFO Speed Filter LFO Delay Filter Envelope Attack Filter Envelope Sustain Decay Filter Envelope Amp Amplitude LFO Amp Amplitude Envelope Delay Amplitude Envelope Decay Amplitude Envelope Release Portamento Rate Modulation Level (-99 to +99) At +00, the modulation source has no effect on the destination. Negative values also increase the amount of modulation, but with negative phase (i. e. , if the modulation would normally be increasing with depth set to a positive number, the modulation would instead be decreasing at that same moment had the depth been set to a negative number). Gate Mode (Off or On) When Gate Mode is on, the selected Modulator will only be routed while notes are being played. In other words, you can gate the effect of the Modulator so that it stops when you are not playing any notes. This can be used on sounds with medium to long release times, where an interesting effect (like tremolo) is intended to be active while holding notes down, but deactivated as the sound is fading away after being released. 70 QuadraSynth Reference Manual Editing Programs Pitch LFO (Page 1) The Pitch LFO is most often used to apply vibrato to a sound. 7 The following Pitch LFO variables will make a difference in the sound only if the PITCH LFO DEPTH (on Page 2 of the PITCH function) is set to a value other than 0, or, if the Pitch LFO is a source in the MOD function. Wave (7 choices) The waveform determines the shape of the LFO. Use Quad Knob [1] to select either Sine, Triangle, Square, Up Saw, Down Saw, Random or Noise. SINE TRIANGLE SQUARE UP SAW DOWN SAW RANDOM NOISE Speed (00 to 99) Quad Knob [2] controls the speed or rate of the LFO. For slower modulation, decrease this value. Delay (00 to 99) This is the amount of time that is to occur before the LFO kicks in. Sometimes, it is desirable to have modulation come in a moment or two after a note has been played, rather than starting instantly. The higher the value, the slower the LFO kicks in. +99 0 -99 TIME Trigger (Mono, Poly, Key Mono, or Key Poly) The Trigger parameter determines how the LFO should be triggered, or started. When playing multiple voices in a single sound, each voice has its own LFO. However, the LFO Trigger parameter determines whether or not they should be in sync, and whether or not they can be retriggered independent from one another. QuadraSynth Reference Manual 71 Editing Programs Mono. If you hold a chord and then play new notes on top of the chord, all voices LFOs will be moving in the same direction and at the same speed. [. . . ] The Mono/Poly message deals with voice assignment within the synthesizer. In Mono mode, only one note at a time plays in response to voice messages; in Poly mode, as many voices can play notes as are available to play notes. Channel Messages: Voice Messages A synthesizers voice is the most basic unit of sound generation. Usually, each voice plays one note at a time, so the number of notes you can play at one time will be limited by the available number of voices. Corresponds to a key being pressed down; values range from 000 (lowest note) to 127 (highest note). [. . . ]