[. . . ] We trust you will find this manual useful in setting up and getting the best from your Serato product. If you require any assistance beyond the scope of this manual, including up-to-date information on troubleshooting, frequently asked questions, and tips & tricks for Pitch 'n Time LE, please visit our website at serato . com. Many thanks - the team at Serato Audio Research. What's Inside? Your Pitch 'n Time LE box should contain the following items. 1x Serato plug-ins Installation CD 1x Pitch 'n Time LE User Manual 1x Installation Guide + Serial Number If anything is missing please contact your dealer System Requirements The following are the minimum system requirements for Pitch 'n Time LE. [. . . ] The pitch shift you require is displayed in terms of semitones and cents, and as a percentage. Moving the pitch slider updates these values, likewise entering values into the fields updates the slider. Key Shift To transpose between keys, you can enter the inital and target keys into the key shift panel. The corresponding pitch controls will update to reflect this key shift. Varispeed Mode To recreate a classic varispeed effect, use the link toggle switch to force the tempo and pitch sliders to follow each other. This feature is used commonly in sound design and to create an accurate tape stop. Attenuation Control Changing a signal in the frequency domain often affects the relative energy level. If the red overload indicator lights during preview, attenuate to avoid a clipped output region. 6 Using Pitch 'n Time LE with Pro Tools Pro Tools Controls To process an audio selection using Pitch 'n Time LE, use the standard Pro Tools AudioSuite buttons at the bottom of the plug-in window. Clicking Preview will loop the selected audio independent of the session. The Pitch 'n Time interface remains active while previewing, with control changes affecting the output immediately. The Process button applies your current settings to the selection, and generates a new region which either appears inplace, or in the region list, as per the use in playlist toggle in the top section of AudioSuite controls. The top section of the AudioSuite window has options for the behaviour of Pitch 'n Time LE within Pro Tools, as well as managing user presets for the plug-in itself. Clicking Playlist toggles the input between selected audio in the playlist (timeline) and selected regions in the Region list. When Use in playlist is enabled, the output region from Pitch 'n Time LE will replace the input selection on the timeline. When disabled, the output region will only be added to the region list. If the input selection is set to region list, and use in playlist is enabled, the output regions will replace all intances of the selected input regions throughout the session. When the input selection spans multiple regions, Create continuous file toggles between outputting a single consolidated region and creating individual files for each region when Create individual files is selected. Entire selection and Region by region are linked to the previous settings of Create continuous file and Create individual files, respectively. Multi-input mode enforces strict phase coherency between two tracks of a multi-track selection. Use this mode only when phase coherency is absolutely needed, as it can be detrimental to sound quality when applied incorrectly. When you first run Pitch 'n Time LE, the Factory default preset will be selected, with all controls zeroed. You can use the AudioSuite settings menu and librarian to save custom presets of the plug-in controls. For details about the AudioSuite presets, see the DigiRack Plug-ins guide in the Pro Tools help menu, or download it from digidesign . com. 7 Using Pitch 'n Time LE with Pro Tools The Time Trimmer Tool Pitch 'n Time LE can process changes made using the Pro Tools Time Trimmer tool. [. . . ] The Destination Length values default to match the Original length and will track changes made to the selection length, scaled by the values in the Tempo section. Likewise when the Destination Length is changed, the Destination Tempo will be updated. Pitch shifting is accessed using the Transpose field, in 1/100 semitone (or Cent) units. While the Harmonic Shift value will update if Harmonic Correction is enabled, Pitch 'n Time LE does not support this feature of the Time and Pitch Machine, and the harmonic makeup of the output will remain unchanged. [. . . ]