[. . . ] Lyra Jukebox User's Guide PDP2812 Important Information WARNING To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this product or AC charger to rain or moisture. CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover (or back). This symbol indicates important instructions accompanying the product. This symbol indicates "dangerous voltage" inside the product that presents a risk of electric shock or personal injury. To reduce risk of injury, charge only rechargeable batteries recommended by the manufacturer for this product. Other types of batteries may burst causing damage and personal injury. Sound Pressure Control Les articles de loi L44. 5 et 44. 6 du code de la santé publique, modifiés par l'article 2 de la loi du 28 Mai 1996 imposent une puissance acoustique maximale de 100 décibels. Le casque livré ( code 55972140) et votre appareil respectent la législation en vigueur. [. . . ] If USB 2. 0 port is available on your computer, use it to connect to your Lyra Jukebox. The Lyra Jukebox is still backward compatible with the older USB 1. 1 ports. However, you will not be able to take full advantage of the potential speed increase. LYRA JUKEBOX (BOTTOM VIEW) USB PORT COMPUTER 19 Software Setup Transferring Files to Lyra Jukebox You can transfer files to your Lyra Jukebox via MusicMatch Jukebox or via Windows Explorer. If your Lyra Jukebox isn't already connected to your computer, connect the Lyra Jukebox to the computer using the provided USB cable as illustrated above. Doing so may corrupt system files or the files being downloaded. 20 Software Setup Transfer Files via MusicMatch Jukebox 1. Drag and drop desired tracks from the Music Library to the Playlist display and save the playlist. Note : Be sure to save the playlist or it will not be displayed on the playlist window of the Portable Device Manager screen. From the menu area, select Files/Send to Portable Device or click Send to Portable under the copy item on the left side of the MusicMatch Jukebox screen to display the Portable Device Manager screen. Select the playlist item and drag it to the active device listed under Portable Device. Only those playlists saved in step 1 are displayed on the playlist window. The songs in the playlist will now be automatically transferred to your Lyra Player. 3. 4. When the transfer is finished, the Lyra Personal Jukebox Profiler application may automatically run so it can sort/profile the newly transferred files. You can run the profiler manually by right clicking on the Lyra icon on the System Tray Area. Caution: Make sure all data are transferred to the Lyra Jukebox before unplugging the USB cable. If you're running Windows 2000 you must stop the device before unplugging it. Click the Unplug or Eject hardware icon from the system tray and select the USB Mass Storage device for the drive letter associated with the Lyra Jukebox, and select the device you want to stop. See the Windows Help for details about the Unplug or Eject Hardware topic. 21 Software Setup Transfer Files via Windows Explorer (Drag and Drop) If your Lyra Jukebox isn't already connected to your computer, connect the Lyra Jukebox to the computer using the provided USB cable and turn on the unit. From Windows Explorer, highlight all the files/folders you want to transfer to your Lyra Jukebox and drag them to the drive letter that is associated with it. Note: You must profile your contents after file transfer in order for the new files to appear in the Navigation Menus. Create Pre-defined Playlists and Transferring them to the Jukebox Pre-defined playlists can be created on your PC using MusicMatch Jukebox. Note that only playlists created with songs stored on the Lyra Jukebox will work on the Lyra. Use Windows Explorer to transfer pre-defined playlists to your Lyra Jukebox. If your Lyra Jukebox isn't already connected to your computer, connect it using the provided USB cable and turn the unit on. [. . . ] Share information. · · * 1GB = 1X10 54 9 Additional Information Tips and Troubleshooting Problem: Player repeats same tracks or all tracks. · You'll need to re-record the audio track ­ make sure you close all other applications on your PC when you record. Your Lyra Jukebox turns itself off if you leave it in pause mode or navigation mode for the duration specified in PowerSave. Problem: Songs aren't listed in any of the sort modes (Artist, Album, etc. ) · The contents of the Lyra Jukebox haven't been profiled (sorted) since the last file transfer. [. . . ]