[. . . ] KASPERSKY LAB Kaspersky Anti-Virus® 5. 6 for Sendmail with Milter API ADMINISTRATOR'S MANUAL KASPERSKY ANTI-VIRUS® 5. 6 FOR SENDMAIL WITH MILTER API Administrator's manual © Kaspersky Lab http://www. kaspersky. com Revision date: March 2006 Contents CHAPTER 1. What's new in version 5. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hardware and software system requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Licensing policies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] Example: <FOR FILTERNAME == "KAVFilter1"> opening bracket of an end tag. Example: </FOR> closing bracket of the end tag for a construct without a body. Instructs the parser to treat the following special character as a plain one. Example: <FOR FILTERNAME == "KAVFilter1"> Example: <FOR FILTERNAME == "KAVFilter*"> < > </ /> \ == 66 Kaspersky Anti-Virus® for Sendmail with Milter API != unequal sign: a non-coincidence in mask or value. Example: <FOR FILTERNAME != "KAVFilter1"> Example: <FOR FILTERNAME != "KAVFilter*"> Unlimited length of all possible values. Example: <FOR FILTERNAME == "KAV*"> All possible one-character values. Example: <FOR FILTERNAME == "KAVFilter?"> Comment; the parser ignores all characters after `#' till the end of line. * ? # Reserved keywords FOR Iteration construct Example: <FOR FILTERNAME = "KAVFilter1"> definition. DEF Variable definition (statement without an end tag). Example: <DEF __NAME__= "NAME_1"/> Predefined macros %CRLF% %TAB% Line feed macro (CR+LF) Tab macro The processing is performed within a global section (no statement is needed) or within a condition construct: <FOR KAV_LANGUAGE == "5. 0"> . . . </FOR> Escape sequences The following sequences can be used to present special characters in the template language: · · To output the `\' symbol in the template text, enter `\\' . If a line is ended with `\', it will be interpreted as a string continued on the following line. Additionally, an escape symbol at the end of the line screens the following EOL which otherwise would exist in the generated message. Such a line is concatenated with the following one during processing before Additional setup 67 any other actions performed by the parser. This situation is handled independently by either the escape sequence being met inside a tag or outside a tag. · · · · · To output the `%' symbol into the template text, use `\%'. To output the `<' symbol into the template text, use `\<'. To output the `>' symbol into the template text, use `\>'. The number of spaces or tab symbols (either their presence or absence) between the language constructs is not regulated. Reserved keywords must be separated either by white space characters or by the special symbols. 7. 10. 2. 6. Notification macros for the application Macros can be used in notification templates for either entire messages or their parts. Using macros, you can customize notifications to include additional information on the properties of an original message or object or about actions applied to them. The administrator can use the following macro in notifications concerning entire messages: %CLIENT_ADDR% ­ remote address of the mail client. %BK_ACTION% ­ actions applied to the message that caused a backup copy to be created (if the application is configured to back up messages). [. . . ] (i) Kaspersky Lab will provide you with the support services ("Support Services") as defined below for a period of one year following: (a) Payment of its then current support charge, and: (b) Successful completion of the Support Services Subscription Form as provided to you with this Agreement or as available on the Kaspersky Lab website, which will require you to produce the Key Identification File which will have been provided to you by Kaspersky Lab with this Agreement. It shall be at the absolute discretion of Kaspersky Lab whether or not you have satisfied this condition for the provision of Support Services. (ii) Support Services will terminate unless renewed annually by payment of the then-current annual support charge and by successful completion of the Support Services Subscription Form again. (iii) By completion of the Support Services Subscription Form you consent to the terms of the Kaspersky Lab Privacy Policy, which is deposited on ww. kaspersky. com/privacy, and you explicitly consent to the transfer of data to other countries outside your own as set out in the Privacy Policy. [. . . ]