[. . . ] The following is a list of features: · Full frequency response with low distortion and exceptional signal-to-noise performance. · Advanced circuitry design features bridgeable outputs for use in a variety of applications. · Independent electronic crossovers, each with a 12dB (12/24dB - DPX1001. 1) per octave slope and full adjustment range from 50Hz to 5. 8KHz, (50Hz to 580Hz - DPX1001. 1) to aid in audio system design. · Bass boost circuit to reinforce low frequency signals that may be lost due to subwoofer box design. [. . . ] · Input Voltage Selector A wide range of signal input voltages can be accommodated by the APX320. 2, APX640. 2, APX640. 4 and DPX1001. 1 input section (200mV - 8V). This wide range is split up into three ranges, Figure 2, accessible via switches located in the "Gain" of the amplifier. The "0. 2V-0. 6V" position on the switch selects an input sensitivity range between 200mV and 600mV, the "0. 6V-2V" position on the switch selects an input sensitivity range between 600mV and 2V and the "2V-8V" position on the switch selects an input sensitivity range between 2V and 8V. This means that the "Gain" rotary control will operate within that voltage window. If you are using an aftermarket source unit with RCA outputs, make sure you select the proper voltage selection range. For example, if the RCA voltage of the aftermarket head unit is rated at 4 volts, set the switch at "2V-8V". Figure 3 - Detent Chart 7 CONNECTIONS apx-dpx-update. qxp 8/18/2004 8:46 AM Page 8 APX640. 4/640. 2/320. 2/DPX1001. 1 · Load Selector Please note that when configuring the DPX1001. 1 amplifier, the LOAD SELECTOR switch must be set in the correct position in order for the amplifier to function properly. Please refer to the chart below for specific settings. SUBWOOFER IMPEDANCE LOAD SELECTOR SWITCH SETTING 2-OHM Bridged Load 4~8-OHM Bridged Load 1-OHM Load on each output 2-OHM Load on each output 4 OHM Load on each output 1 OHM 2-4 OHM 1 OHM 2-4 OHM 2-4 OHM · Gain Dial Located next to the input voltage selector, is a rotary control labeled "Gain". Once the appropriate input voltage range has been selected, this rotary control can be used to match the source unit's output voltage to the input stage of the amplifier for maximum clean output. Rotating the control clockwise will result in higher sensitivity (louder for a given input voltage). Rotating the control counter-clockwise will result in lower sensitivity (quieter for a given input voltage). After using this procedure, you can then adjust the level of the amplifier by adjusting the input sensitivity downward, if the amplifier requires attenuation to achieve the desired system balance. Do not increase the "Gain" setting for any amplifier in the system beyond the maximum level. Doing so will result in audible distortion and possible speaker damage. · Bass Boost Control The amplifier also features a "high-Q" (i. e. , narrow frequency band) Bass Boost circuit. Use this feature to tune low-frequency audio response to compensate for a less than ideal subwoofer enclosure design. The added boost produces rich, full bass tones that are normally difficult to reproduce in the car audio environment. · X-Over Mode Switches - These switches are equipped with 12dB per octave electronic filters for precise frequency attenuation with minimal phase distortion. Each filter is activated by sliding the X-Over Mode Switch to either HP or LP. · Speaker Level Inputs - These provide connections for a high-level stereo source. 11 APPLICATIONS apx-dpx-update. qxp 8/18/2004 8:49 AM Page 12 APX640. 4/640. 2/320. 2/DPX1001. 1 2-Channel Full-Range or Subwoofer System (APX320. 2 or APX640. 2) L 4 2 MIN + MIN R 2 MIN + 30 AMP MAX APX320. 2 L - Full Range R - Full Range CROSSOVER 0 15 55 550 110 240 330 OFF dB Hz HP LP or CROSSOVER 0 15 55 550 110 240 330 OFF dB Hz HP LP or CROSSOVER 0 55 550 110 240 330 OFF APPLICATIONS 15 dB Hz HP LP Figure 7 - In this application, the amplifier is used in stereo and drives two full-range (or satellite, or subwoofer) speakers. NOTE: A passive crossover must be used with satellite speakers. 12 apx-dpx-update. qxp 8/18/2004 8:51 AM Page 13 Owner's Manual 4-Channel High Power System L 4 2 MIN + MIN R 2 MIN + 25x2 AMP MAX APX640. 4 FRONT REAR FL - Full Range RR - Full Range FR - Full Range RL - Full Range FREQ Hz 110 55 240 550 330 55 550 FREQ Hz 110 240 330 FREQ RANGE HP LP OFF REAR X1 X10 Figure 8 - In this application, the APX640. 4 is used as a 4-channel amplifier to drive four full-range speakers in stereo. 13 APPLICATIONS apx-dpx-update. qxp 8/18/2004 8:52 AM Page 14 APX640. 4/640. 2/320. 2/DPX1001. 1 POWER 1 MIN 1 MIN GND REM +12V DPX1001. 1 LEFT BRIDGED 2 MIN RIGHT USA XOVER FREQ Hz 55 110 240 330 XOVER SLOPE 550 12dB 24 dB R - Subwoofer L - Subwoofer CONNECTIONS Figure 9 - In this application, the DPX1001. 1 is used to drive a pair of subwoofers. 14 apx-dpx-update. qxp 8/18/2004 8:52 AM Page 15 Owner's Manual SETTING THE GAIN After completing the installation, follow these steps to set the Gain Control and then perform the Final System Checks. Select the proper input voltage as described on page 7, (Gain Control with Selectable Input Voltage) 3. Set all Tone or Equalization Controls to "flat" positions and turn Loudness off. [. . . ] If it becomes necessary to send the product or any defective part to Clarion Corporation or an authorized warranty service station, the product must be shipped in its original carton or equivalent carton, fully insured, with shipping charges prepaid. Clarion Corporation will not assume any responsibility for any loss or damage incurred in shipping. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW SHALL HAVE NO GREATER DURATION THAN THE WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL CLARION CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT. [. . . ]