[. . . ] User Manual: SAP DB SAP AG November 2002 Copyright © Copyright 2002 SAP AG. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1. 1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. For more information on the GNU Free Documentaton License see http://www. gnu. org/copyleft/fdl. html#SEC4. User Manual: SAP DB 2 SAP AG November 2002 Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax Typographic Conventions Type Style Example text Description Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. [. . . ] The DBM Server creates the connection to the database instance [Page 132] and can access its environment using operating system resources. User Manual: SAP DB 58 SAP AG November 2002 Client applications, such as the Database Manager GUI [Page 134], the Database Manager CLI [Page 133], or Web DBM, the program integrated into the Web Server [Page 156] create a connection to the DBM Server and exchange data with the DBM Server using a RequestResponse mechanism. See also: Architecture of the Database Manager [Page 54] Loader The Loader is the server part of the SAP DB Loader [Page 148]. The Loader must be installed on the computer that the media [See SAP DB Library] are located on. The Loader creates the connection to the database instance [Page 132] and can access its environment using operating system resources. The Loader can communicate remotely with the database instance and with the client. See also: Architecture of the SAP DB Loader [Page 55] SAP DB Loader: SAP DB 7. 4 [See SAP DB Library] Web Server The Web Server is the client part of the SAP DB Web tools Web DBM [Page 154] and Web SQL [Page 154]. The server for the Web DBM tool is the DBM Server [Page 58], the server for the Web SQL tool is the database instance [Page 132]. Possible Web servers are the SAP DB Web Server or the well-known Web server Apache. The SAP DB Web server is installed during the installation of the SAP DB Web tools. For more information, see the Installation Guide Web Tools: SAP DB 7. 4 [See SAP DB Library]. These tools are installed once, and can then be called from any browser. This enables occasional users as well as frequent users to make use of the Database Manager and SQL Studio functionalities quickly and easily in the network. See also: Architecture of the SAP DB Web Tools [Page 57] Database Manager The Database Manager is a database tool [Page 136] for managing SAP DB database. The tasks of the Database Manager comprise creating, controlling, and monitoring database instances [Page 132] on the local computer or on remote computers. You can use the Database Manager to carry out backups and, if necessary, recoveries. Architecture The Database Manager consists of a server part and a client part. The same functionality is offered for the Database Manager regardless of which client you use. User Manual: SAP DB 59 SAP AG Server/Client for the Database Manager Server DBM Server [Page 58] Client DBMGUI [Page 134] DBMCLI [Page 133] Web DBM [Page 154] A script interface is available. November 2002 See also: Architecture of the Database Manager [Page 54] Architecture of the SAP DB Web Tools [Page 57] Database Manager GUI The Database Manager [Page 133] has a user-friendly graphical user interface, the Database Manager GUI (DBMGUI). If you want to use the Database Manager to monitor several SAP DB database instances, which may be on different computers, you should use the Database Manager GUI. The Database Manager GUI can only be used on Windows operating systems. If you want to use the functionality of the Database Manager on other operating system platforms, you must use the Database Manager CLI [Page 133] or Web DBM [Page 154]. Call You have the following options for calling the Database Manager GUI: · · Choose Start Programs SAP DB Database Manager. In this case, you can transfer options [Page 60] to the Database Manager program. See also: Database Manager GUI: SAP DB 7. 4 [See SAP DB Library] Options (DBMGUI) When you call the Database Manager GUI [Page 134] at command line level, you can specify options (Database Manager GUI: SAP DB 7. 4 Starting the DBMGUI [See SAP DB Library]). If you do not enter any options, you can make the entries needed for logging on to the database instance on the logon screen. The following user specifications as options [Page 31] should be transferred: the DBM operator [Page 134] and the name of the database instance [Page 132] dbmgui -u dbmmann, secret -d MK1 The Database Manager is called and a database session is created for the DBM operator dbmmann, password secret with the registered database instance MK1. User Manual: SAP DB 60 SAP AG November 2002 Database Manager CLI The Database Manager [Page 133] has a command-line oriented client, the Database Manager CLI (DBMCLI). You can use the Database Manager CLI to carry out all Database Manager actions. [. . . ] If one of the other SQL modes was selected for executing SQL statements, you can only navigate forwards in the result table. User Manual: SAP DB 155 SAP AG November 2002 If several SQL statements were executed, you can access the results and the messages relating to these SQL statements with a drop-down list. Web Server The Web Server is the client part of the SAP DB Web tools Web DBM [Page 154] and Web SQL [Page 154]. The server for the Web DBM tool is the DBM Server [Page 58], the server for the Web SQL tool is the database instance [Page 132]. Possible Web servers are the SAP DB Web Server or the well-known Web server Apache. The SAP DB Web server is installed during the installation of the SAP DB Web tools. [. . . ]