[. . . ] INSTRUCTION MANUAL iV82 UHF TRANSCEIVER VHF TRANSCEIVER iU82 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. IC-V82 IC-U82 FOREWORD Thank you for purchasing this Icom product. The IC-V82/U82 VHF/UHF TRANSCEIVERS are designed and built with Icom's superior technology and craftsmanship. With proper care, this product should provide you with years of trouble-free operation. [. . . ] · Or after 24th digit is input, the transceiver automatically saves the digits and returns to step w. OPT 0 for 1 sec. 27 7 DTMF MEMORY Transmitting a DTMF code sequence · DTMF memory indication The DTMF memory consists of 5 pages that are 1st to 5th, 6th to 10th, 11th to 15th, 16th to 20th and 21st to 24th digits. · 1st page indication · 2nd page indication · 3rd page indication D Using a DTMF memory channel q Push [A·FUNC], then push [0·OPT] to enter OPTION SET MODE. · Rotate [VOL] to select "dtm. OF, " if necessary. to select the DTMF memory. Push Appears OPT 0 for 1 sec. · 4th page indication · 5th page indication e Rotate [VOL] to select the desired memory. r Push [MONI] or [PTT] to exit the DTMF memory mode. · Selected DTMF code sequence sounds when [MONI] is pushed. Appears Blinks tWhile pushing [PTT], push [MONI] to transmit the selected DTMF memory. · After the DTMF code sequence is transmitted, the transceiver returns to receive automatically. 28 DTMF MEMORY 7 DTMF transmission rate D Manual DTMF code transmission While pushing [PTT], push digit keys, [A·FUNC], [B·CALL], [C·MR], [D·CLR], [#·BANK] and [·ENT ] to transmit a DTMF code sequence manually. · [·ENT ] transmits tone "E", [#·BANK] transmits tone "F. " USING INITIAL SET MODE When slow DTMF transmission rates are required with DTMF memory transmission (as for some repeaters), the transceiver's rate of DTMF transmission can be adjusted. Y qWhile pushing and holding [Y] and Z [Z], turn the power ON to enter INITIAL SET MODE. [VOL] 7 A FUNC B CALL C MR D CLR TONE 1 P. BEEP 2 T. SCAN 3 BANK DUP 4 SCAN 5 SKIP 6 OPT 0 Y Z wPush [Y] or [Z] several times until "dtd" appears. eRotate [VOL] to select the desired DTMF transmission rate. · Four rates are available: "1" (100 msec. intervals) is the slowest. PWR PRIO 7 SET 8 H/M/L 9 ENT ENT rPush [·ENT ] to exit INITIAL SET MODE. 29 8 Band edge SCAN OPERATION Programmed scan End 1b 2b 3b Scan types PROGRAMMED SCAN Start 1A 2A 3A Scan edges Scan Jump Programmed scan P1 scans between 1A and 1b, P2 scans between 2A and 2b, and P3 scans between 3A and 3b frequencies. Band edge Programmed scan repeatedly scans between two user programmed frequencies (memory channels "1A­3A" and "1b­3b") or scans between upper and lower band edges. This scan is useful for checking for signals within a specific frequency range such as repeater output frequencies, etc. wPush [A·FUNC] and [5·SCAN] to start the scan, then a selected scan edge appears as "P1, " "P2, " "P3" or "AL. " · To change the scan edge, push [A·FUNC] and [8·SET] several times until the desired scan edge appears. · "AL" for full scan, "P1", "P2" and "P3" for programmed scan between the programmed scan edge channels as "1A"­"1b, " "2A"­"2b" and "3A"­"3b. " Y Z · To change the scan direction, push [Y] or [Z]. · When [VOL] is assigned as tuning dial, rotate [VOL] to change the scan direction. 14, 65) Push A FUNC MEMORY (SKIP) SCAN Mch 1 Mch 0 Mch 199 Mch 10 Mch 2 Mch 3 Mch 4 Mch 5 SKIP Mch 9 Mch 8 SKIP Mch 7 Mch 6 PRIORITY WATCH Priority memory channel watch VFO frequency 145. 20 MHz 5 sec. Mch 3 Priority channel SCAN 5 50 msec. Mch 3 Priority memory channel scan Mch 2 e Push [D·CLR] to stop the scan. Mch 4 Mch 5 VFO frequency 145. 20 MHz 5 sec. Memory scan Priority channels Mch 1 50 msec. Mch 199 Mch 6 SKIP 30 SCAN OPERATION 8 Memory scan NOTE: Scan edges, 1A­3A/1b­3b, must be programmed in advance. 22) If identical frequencies are programmed into the scan edges, programmed scan will not proceed. Memory scan repeatedly scans all programmed memory channels, except those set as skip channels. q Push [C·MR] to select memory mode, if necessary. · "X" appears. · See below to select bank scan. w Push [A·FUNC] and [5·SCAN] to start the scan. Y Z · To change the scan direction, push [Y] or [Z]. · When [VOL] is assigned as tuning dial, rotate [VOL] to change the scan direction. 14, 65) Push MONI PWR A FUNC B CALL C MR D CLR 8 A FUNC SCAN 5 TONE 1 P. BEEP 2 T. SCAN 3 BANK e Push [D·CLR] to stop the scan. DUP 4 SCAN 5 SKIP 6 OPT 0 PRIO 7 SET 8 H/M/L 9 ENT · Bank scan --Select the desired bank in step q above. q Push [A·FUNC] and [#·BANK] to select memory bank mode. w Rotate [VOL] to select the desired bank, A to J. e Push [·ENT ] (or [D·CLR]) to select the bank. 31 8 SCAN OPERATION Skip channels In order to speed up the scan rate, you can select memory channels you don't wish to scan as skip channels. q Push [C·MR] to select memory mode, if necessary. · "X" appears. Priority watch Priority watch checks for signals on "priority channels" while operating on a VFO frequency. D Memory or call channel watch While operating on a VFO frequency, memory or call channel watch monitors for signals in the selected memory or call channel every 5 sec. e Push [A·FUNC], then push [7·PRIO] to start watching. w Select a memory channel to set as a skip channel. ePush [A·FUNC] and [6·SKIP] to toggle the skip setting ON and OFF. · "SKIP" appears when the channel is set as a skip channel. [. . . ] · HM-128L EARPHONE-MICROPHONE You can clip the microphone with PTT switch to your lapel or breast pocket. Includes VOX, PTT and "one-touch" PTT with time-out timer. 15 16 77 16 OPTIONS · VS-1L PTT/VOX UNIT+HS-94/HS-95/HS-97 HEADSET VS-1L PTT/VOX UNIT Required when using these headsets. HS-94 EAR-PIECE TYPE HEADSET Earhook headset with flexible boom microphone. HS-95 NECK-ARM TYPE HEADSET Behind-the-head headset with flexible boom microphone. [. . . ]