[. . . ] #: 91-0219/03-01 78-7860 60mm Refractor COMPUTERIZED STAR LOCATOR 78-7880 80mm Refractor Instruction Manual 78-7830 3" Reflector 78-7845 4. 5" reflector 2. Where DO I START? Your Bushnell telescope can bring the wonders of the universe to your eye. While this manual is intended to assist you in the set-up and basic use of this instrument, it does not cover everything you might like to know about astronomy. Although Northstar will give a respectable tour of the night sky, it is recommended you get a very simple star chart and a flashlight with a red bulb or red cellophane over the end. For objects other than stars and constellations, a basic guide to astronomy is a must. [. . . ] For best results and fewer vibrations set your telescope up on a level location on the ground rather than your concrete driveway or your wooden deck. This will provide a more stable foundation for viewing, especially if you've drawn a crowd with your new telescope. You'd be surprised how much more you'll see from your local lake or park when compared to a backyard in the city. Waiting until the object rises well above the horizon will provide a brighter and crisper image. Objects on the horizon are viewed through several layers of earth's atmosphere. It's because you are looking through a considerable more amount of atmosphere than you would directly overhead. (Note: If objects high in the sky are distorted or wavy, you are probably viewing on a very humid night. ) During nights of unstable atmosphere, viewing through a telescope can be frustrating if not impossible. Astronomers refer to crisp, clear nights as nights of "good seeing. " 11. Northstar Computer Interface Diagram 1. (See Menu Tree for full list of menu functions and options. ) Sky Tour: The Sky Tour Mode of Northstar provides the ability to take a quick tour of the best and brightest objects for any given month of the year. If the date has been input into the system, the Sky Tour Mode will automatically default to that month. Objects can be chosen by using the scroll up or down arrows and pressing ENTER. To find out more information about any given object press the enter button while that object is displayed to see the scrolling text message. Telescope: The Telescope Mode of Northstar provides real-time data on where the telescope is pointing. Astronomical Coordinates for Right Ascension (RA) and Declination (DEC) as well as Altitude (ALT) and Azimuth (AZ) are displayed simultaneously. In addition, in the lower right hand corner will be the abbreviation for the current constellation that the telescope is pointed at. Identify: The Identify Mode of Northstar provides the ability to Identify any object within your telescope field of view. Subcategories for different classes of identifiable objects are included as well as an Identify Any option. Align Earth: The Align Earth Mode of Northstar provides the ability to easily align your telescope utilizing common information non-astronomers would readily know. a first time telescope user can be exploring the immense Northstar database of astronomical objects within minutes. Align Star: The Align Star Mode of Northstar provides the ability to align your telescope utilizing some astronomical knowledge. By knowing where two stars are located in the sky, a novice user can circumvent the city, date, and time input and quickly start utilizing the Northstar database to locate amazing astronomical objects. Align Object: The Align Object Mode of Northstar provides the ability to refine your telescope alignment during the middle of your observing session. [. . . ] Press the BACK button until you get back to the main menu: SCROLL UP or SCROLLDOWN until the display reads: PRESS ENTER This mode will default to the level By selecting this option with the ENTER key, it will IDENTIFYthe object that you are currently viewing OR the closest object to where your telescope is currently pointed. To select the final mode press ENTER at the display: The display reads something like: The TELESCOPE mode gives you dynamic real-time information on your telescope's current position in terms of astronomical coordinates. Notice the three letter abbreviation in the lower right portion of the display. This dynamically displays the current CONSTELLATION that the telescope is pointing at. [. . . ]