[. . . ] CFML Language Reference ColdFusion 4. 5 Allaire Corporation Copyright Notice 1999 Allaire Corporation. This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. The content of this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Allaire Corporation. Allaire Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this book. [. . . ] The text you want to display if the page containing a Java applet-based CFFORM control is opened by a browser that does not support Java or has Java support disabled. For example: NOTSUPPORTED="<B> Browser must support Java to view ColdFusion Java Applets</B>" By default, if no message is specified, the following message appears: <B>Browser must support Java to <BR> view ColdFusion Java Applets!</B> Example <!--- This example shows how to use CFSLIDER within CFFORM ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> CFSLIDER Example </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor=silver> <H3>CFSLIDER Example</H3> <P>CFSLIDER, used within a CFFORM, can provide additional functionality to Java-enabled browsers. <P>Try moving the slider back and forth to see the real-time value change. Then, submit the form to show how CFSLIDER passes its value on to a new CF template. <P> <CFIF IsDefined("form. mySlider") is True> <H3>You slid to a value of <CFOUTPUT>#mySlider#</CFOUTPUT></H3> Try again!</CFIF> <CFFORM ACTION="cfslider. cfm" METHOD="POST" ENABLECAB="Yes"> 1 <CFSLIDER NAME="mySlider" VALUE="12" LABEL="Actual Slider Value RANGE="1, 100" ALIGN="BASELINE" " 206 CFML Language Reference MESSAGE="Slide the bar to get a value between 1 and 100" HEIGHT="20" WIDTH="150" FONT="Verdana" BGCOLOR="Silver" GROOVECOLOR="Lime" BOLD="No" ITALIC="Yes" REFRESHLABEL="Yes"> 100 <P><INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="" VALUE="Show the Result"> </CFFORM> </BODY> </HTML> Chapter 1: ColdFusion Tags 207 CFSTOREDPROC The CFSTOREDPROC tag is the main tag used for executing stored procedures via an ODBC or native connection to a server database. It specifies database connection information and identifies the stored procedure. Syntax <CFSTOREDPROC PROCEDURE="procedure name" DATASOURCE="ds_name" USERNAME="username" PASSWORD="password" DBSERVER="dbms" DBNAME="database name" BLOCKFACTOR="blocksize" PROVIDER="COMProvider" PROVIDERDSN="datasource" DEBUG="Yes/No" RETURNCODE="Yes/No"> PROCEDURE Required. The name of an ODBC or native data source that points to the database containing the stored procedure. If specified, USERNAME overrides the username value specified in the data source setup. If specified, PASSWORD overrides the password value specified in the data source setup. For native database drivers, specifies the name of the database server machine. If specified, DBSERVER overrides the server specified in the data source. If specified, DBNAME overrides the default database specified in the data source. Specifies the maximum number of rows to fetch at a time from the server. COM provider (OLE-DB only). 208 CFML Language Reference PROVIDERDSN Optional. Specifies whether the tag populates CFSTOREDPROC. STATUSCODE with the status code returned by the stored procedure. Default is No. Usage Within a CFSTOREDPROC tag, you code CFPROCRESULT and CFPROCPARAM tags as necessary. If you set the ReturnCode parameter to "YES", CFSTOREDPROC sets a variable called CFSTOREDPROC. STATUSCODE, which indicates the status code for the stored procedure. Refer to your DBMSspecific documentation for the meaning of individual status code values. In addition to returning a status code, CFSTOREDPROC sets a variable called CFSTOREDPROC. ExecutionTime. This variable contains the number of milliseconds that it took the stored procedure to execute. Stored procedures represent an advanced feature, found in high-end database management systems. [. . . ] In the second example, a fourth argument is provided that forces the function to replace all occurrences of "Foo" with "Boo". Chapter 4: ColdFusion Expressions: Operators and Other Constructs 581 Pound Signs Pound signs (#) have special meaning in ColdFusion. When a CFML application page is processed, ColdFusion treats text delimited by pound signs differently from plain text. Two simple and very important points about pound signs in CFML are: Use pound signs to distinguish expressions from plain text. When expressions are evaluated, the resulting value is substituted for the expression text. [. . . ]