[. . . ] CONTRIBUTE 3 Deploying Contribute Trademarks Add Life to the Web, Afterburner, Aftershock, Andromedia, Allaire, Animation PowerPack, Aria, Attain, Authorware, Authorware Star, Backstage, Bright Tiger, Clustercats, ColdFusion, Contribute, Design In Motion, Director, Dream Templates, Dreamweaver, Drumbeat 2000, EDJE, EJIPT, Extreme 3D, Fireworks, Flash, Flash Lite, Flex, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator, HomeSite, JFusion, JRun, Kawa, Know Your Site, Knowledge Objects, Knowledge Stream, Knowledge Track, LikeMinds, Lingo, Live Effects, MacRecorder Logo and Design, Macromedia, Macromedia Action!, Macromedia Breeze, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia M Logo and Design, Macromedia Spectra, Macromedia xRes Logo and Design, MacroModel, Made with Macromedia, Made with Macromedia Logo and Design, MAGIC Logo and Design, Mediamaker, Movie Critic, Open Sesame!, Roundtrip, Roundtrip HTML, Shockwave, Sitespring, SoundEdit, Titlemaker, UltraDev, Web Design 101, what the web can be, and Xtra are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words, or phrases mentioned within this publication may be trademarks, service marks, or trade names of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in certain jurisdictions including internationally. [. . . ] When you roll back to a previous version of a page, Contribute reverts to the previous text contained in the version of the page you select. However, any assets imported into the page may or may not be recovered. For example, suppose you update an image file outside of Contribute and then replace the original image with another image using the same filename. In this case, Contribute cannot roll back to the previous version of the image because Contribute does not manage assets outside the web pages it creates. Contribute does maintain the older version of an image if you use Contribute to edit the image in an external application. Contribute considers images, Microsoft Word documents, and other content that you edit in an external application as assets. You can roll back assets that you've edited through Contribute the same way that you roll back pages. For example, suppose you roll back from version C of a page to version A, and you used Contribute to edit an image in version B. When you roll back to version A, you will not see the current version of the image. You need to also roll back the image, independently of the page rollback. To learn more about rollbacks, see "Enabling and disabling rollbacks" in Macromedia Contribute Help. Restricting access to administrative folders When you create a site connection, Contribute creates special files that are stored in folders whose names begin with an underscore (such as _mm, _baks, and _notes). These folders may contain files with user names, e-mail addresses, previous versions of web pages, and other types of meta information used by Contribute. The underscore allows Macromedia Dreamweaver and Contribute to distinguish between those folders and the other folders in your site. Contribute and Dreamweaver use this naming convention to filter these special files and prevent them from appearing in the Dreamweaver Site panel and in the Contribute Remote File Browser. These hidden folders can't be browsed, overwritten, or inadvertently altered by users. Additionally, some search engines and automated programs are designed not to return pages found in folders whose names begin with an underscore. To ensure that these folders and files remain protected, review the configuration of your web server software and make certain that you block HTTP access to folders whose names begin with an underscore ( _mm, _baks, and _notes), the MMWIP folder, and files identified by the file extensions . lck, . mno, . bak, . lbi, . csi, and . dwt. Contribute and website security 19 In particular, you might want to block HTTP access to the MMWIP folder. The MMWIP folder contains interim drafts of files (works in progress) that you might want to protect. Macromedia recommends that you restrict access to the MMWIP folder so that only members of your organization can browse files within that folder. Note: In addition to using the computer's operating system and web server software configuration settings, you might consider using a third-party URL scanner to block HTTP access to secure these files and folders. Related topics · "Contribute site structure" on page 11 · "Staging servers and Contribute" on page 21 · "Approvals and site structure" on page 22 Apache web servers If your website uses Apache, you can explicitly disable browsing folders and files that begin with an underscore. If you know how to modify the Apache web server's httpd. conf file and have permission to do so, you can use the DirectoryMatch directive to prevent visitors from viewing any file in a folder beginning with an underscore. If you're not sure how to edit the Apache httpd. conf file or don't have permission to do so, ask your system administrator or Internet service provider (ISP) to do it for you. [. . . ] When a user logs in, the User Directory retrieves the connection information associated with that user, and provides access to the sites the administrator has assigned. By maintaining site connection information within the User Directory, administrators can add or remove access to websites without having to resend connection information. This example provides a partial listing of employees from an organization's user directory. The employees, their workgroup affiliations, and the sites they can access are listed in the following table: User John Lydon Malcolm McClaren Martin Atkins Keith Levine John Savage Laura Logic Jah Wobble Workgroup Product Management Product Management Marketing Sales Production Web Designer Contribute Administrator websites Sales, Production, Marketing Sales, Production, Marketing Marketing Sales Production Sales, Production, Marketing Sales, Production, Marketing Although this user list is oversimplified, it demonstrates one possible scenario for the way that users within an organization might be assigned access to websites. [. . . ]