[. . . ] The main screen The main screen of TomTom Navigator -HP Edition- is used to navigate to your destination. If your GPS receiver is switched off, or has not (yet) determined a clear position from the GPS satellites, the main screen displays your last known position. To emphasize the fact that your actual position is unknown, the screen is displayed in black and white. "Sound off" warning indicator Next instruction The name of the next street Journey information Your current GPS position "Zoom in" button "Next highway" indicator "Zoom out" button The dark red path indicates the calculated route. The route instructions will guide you along this path to reach your destination. Your next driving instruction shows an arrow for the direction to follow and a distance indicator shows the (presented in your distance units preference) when to do it. [. . . ] The screen will show your position on the map without providing route instructions or indicators. Note: Clear route is not available when you have no route calculated. Find alternative Clear route Add a location to your list of favourites. Add favourite Related topic: To learn more about the options to set a destination, see the "Picking locations " description. TomTom Navigator -HP Edition- has many preferences which set the behaviour to your personal liking. Chapter 4 describes all the options from the preference menu in detail. Plan from A to B Lets you explore and search for locations in the map browser. It is a digital version of your paper map with a lot of detailed information available. Related topic: To learn more the map browser screen, see the "Map browser " description. This is the same screen as displayed after a route has been calculated. Related topic: To learn more the route summary screen, see the "Route summary " description. This option gives you a brief guided tour of the application, the most important menu options, and the map browser. Browse map Show status Guided tour Shows the calculated route as written instructions. With the OPTIONS button you can select an alternative for the estimated time until the next instruction which is shown before the instruction arrow: Distance to instruction Distance since departure Time since departure Time of day The distance between the last instruction and the next instruction he distance between your departure and the next instruction Time to instruction Estimated time between the last instruction and the next instruction Estimated time between your departure and the next instruction Estimated time for the next instruction The distance is presented in your distance units preference. 4. The preferences TomTom Navigator -HP Edition- offers many preferences ­ options that allow you to change the look and feel to your liking. In the menu, tap Change preferences . There are multiple pages. When a menu option is not available, the icon is dimmed and cannot be selected. A number of preferences work as a status which can be switched between by selecting it. The , selecting next time you enter the preference menu the icon has changed into Turn on sound this will turn on the sound again. 4. 1. Use night colours / Use day colours Normally, TomTom Navigator -HP Edition- uses bright colours with a lot of contrast, so that you can see the map clearly, even in bright sunlight. The map will then be displayed using subdued colours that will not interfere with your night vision. If day colours are used, switch to night colours by tapping Use night colours . If night colours are used, switch to day colours by tapping Use day colours . Related topic: To change the style of the map display, use the "Change map colours" preference option. 4. 2. Turn off 3D display / Turn on 3D display You can use the map in the main screen in two modes. The 3D display shows the map from a birds eye perspective similar to the view you have while driving a car. The alternative is the 2D display which shows the map from the sky like your paper maps. If 3D display is used, switch to 2D display by tapping Turn off 3D display . If 2D display is used, switch to 3D display by tapping Turn on 3D display Note: This preference is not available if the map display has been disabled Related topic: . To navigate with the schematic view, see the "Turn off map display" preference option 4. 3. Turn off map display / Turn on map display You can navigate using either the map display or the schematic display. [. . . ] means that important buttons and controls will be located on the left side of the screen. As a result, you will be able to operate them with your left hand without obscuring the screen. If the application operates for right-handed, switch it by tapping Left-handed lay-out . If the application operates for left-handed, switch it by tapping Right-handed lay-out . 4. 18. Set schematic speed Modify the schematic speed by tapping Set schematic speed . You can set TomTom Navigator -HP Edition- to hide the map when you go faster than a certain speed. Instead of the map, a much simpler, schematic design is used to display driving instructions. [. . . ]