[. . . ] A "TRAINING" mode which indicates when you make a good move. 64 difficulty levels spread over 4 different playing styles (normal, aggressive, defensive and high-risk), including: 5 beginners levels for children and beginning players whereby the computer sacrifices chess-men deliberately. 8 normal playing levels for beginning and experienced players with response times ranging from 5 seconds to several hours. 1 "MATE" level which is designed to resolve checkmate problems for checkmating in up to 5 moves. [. . . ] At level 5, the computer will not take advantage of certain attacking and checkmate opportunities but it will never sacrifice a chess-man. At each of these 5 levels, the computer will usually react immediately. Levels 6 to 13 introduce a delay time ranging from 5 seconds to 2 hours for each move. Level 6 is a blitz level (5 seconds per move); level 8 is a quick game level (30 seconds per move); and level 10 is tournament level (3 minutes per move). The computer will take more time for thinking in the event of difficult positions and less time for simple positions and towards the end of a game. The computer is capable of thinking while you play your move so it can react immediately to your move if it has been anticipated. The computer will also react immediately if it plays a move from the library of opening positions. Level 14 is an analysis level that analyses the position for approximately 24 hours or until you stop the research by pressing the MOVE button (see paragraph XVII). Level 15 is a MATE level that is intended to resolve checkmate problems (see paragraph XI). Level 0 is a MULTI MOVE level that allows two players to play each other while the computer is the referee and checks the legality of the moves. In AGGRESSIVE mode, the computer plays an offensive game and tries to prevent the exchange of chess-men as much as possible. It moves its pawns extensively and tries to exchange chess-men as often as possible. In HIGH-RISK mode, the computer moves its pawns extensively and sometimes chooses to play an unexpected move rather than always try to make the best possible move. When you switch on the computer for the first time, the game starts automatically at level 6 and in the NORMAL playing style. Afterwards it maintains the level and playing mode you were in when you switched off the computer or when you pressed the NEW GAME button. Select level 0 by pressing the LEVEL button, then squares B8, D8, F8 or H8, and then press the LEVEL button once again. When you've finished, leave the MULTIMOVE mode by pressing the LEVEL button once again and selecting another level. CHANGING COLOURS If you press the MOVE button, the computer will play your move. On the other hand, if you want to change colours with the computer, press MOVE. The computer will play its move and then it waits until your have made your move. If you press the MOVE button once again, the computer will play another move; this lets you have the computer play on its own against itself. If you want to play the entire game with White at the top of the board: 1. [. . . ] Now you can press the button of a different chess-man or press one of the squares firmly in order to carry out your move. If you want to program a completely new position, press the TAKE BACK button to erase the chessboard. If there are one or more chess-men of this type on the chessboard, the computer will show you them: see POSITION VERIFICATION mode as explained above. To remove a chess-man of this type from the chessboard, just press the square with this chess-men. [. . . ]