[. . . ] INTRODUCTION Congratulations on choosing the LEXIBOOK CG1400 chess computer especially designed to teach children and beginners the rules of chess and to help them improve their game. In addition, the game offers: A `TRAINING' mode, which tells you if a move is correct. 64 difficulty levels on 4 different game settings (normal, aggressive, defensive and random) and includes: 5 `beginner' levels aimed at children and beginners wherein the computer deliberately sacrifices chessmen. 8 normal game levels for more experienced beginners where the response time ranges from 5 seconds to several hours. [. . . ] Levels 6 to 13 offer a delayed response time of between 5 seconds and 2 hours per move. Level 6 is a blitz level (5 seconds per move), level 8 is a fast game level (30 seconds per move) and level 10 is a championship level (3 minutes per move). The computer will think longer over difficult cases and shorter over simple moves and at the end of the game. As the computer is able to think while you are making your move, if it has anticipated the move you make, it can react almost immediately. It also reacts immediately when it uses a move from the opening library. Level 14 is an analysis level, which analyses the position of the pieces for about 24 hours or until stop its analysis by pressing the MOVE button (see paragraph XVII). Level 15 is a CHECKMATE level designed to resolve checkmate problems (see paragraph XI). Level 0 is a MULTI MOVE level, which allows two people to play against each other while the computer acts as referee by verifying that the moves are legal. the computer also has 4 different game settings: · In NORMAL mode, the computer does not favour either the defensive or offensive mode. In AGGRESSIVE mode, the computer plays the game on the offensive and avoids surrendering pieces as much as possible. It moves its pawns a lot and will surrender pieces as often as possible. In RANDOM mode, the computer moves its pawns a lot and sometimes prefers to make an unexpected move rather than always to make the best move. When you switch the computer on for the first time, the game will automatically start on level 6 and in NORMAL mode. After that, it saves the level and game mode when you switch it off and when you press NEW GAME. The computer will illuminate the lights corresponding to the current level (for example, square A6 corresponds to level 6, normal game mode). Consult the table above to find the square corresponding to the level and game mode you want. Then start the game by making your first move, or press MOVE to allow the computer to move first. If you want to check the level and setting selected, without changing them, follow this procedure: 1. The computer will indicate the current level by illuminating the lights on the square corresponding to the level. You can change or check the game level at any time during the game when it's your turn. RESOLVING CHECKMATE PROBLEMS Level 15 is a CHECKMATE level on which you can resolve checkmate problems in up to five moves. Place the chessmen on the board and register their positions (see paragraph XIX). [. . . ] To change the position of chessmen on the board, or programme completely new positions: 1. If you want to programme whole new positions, press TAKE BACK to empty the chessboard. If there is one or more pieces of this kind on the chessboard, the computer will show you as it would in CHECKING mode explained above. To remove a piece of this kind from the chessboard, simply press on the square containing that piece. [. . . ]