[. . . ] To pause the counter, press the button Weak reception/ no reception/ noisy' reception TRANSMITTING indicator light TALK button Press and hold while you're transmitting When the handset detects an active channel, it will pause on that channel. Press EITHER the ENTER button to set this as the current channel the TALK button to transmit on this channel the or button to continue scanning The counter flashes on the display. To reset the counter to 00 press the ENTER button while the display is flashing When you've finished . . . Press the MENU button once to return to normal operation If the handset detects a signal on the current channel while the seconds counter is running, it will automatically switch to normal operation and receive the transmission Press to switch the backlight on and off. [. . . ] Lexibook® Telecom plc operates a policy of continuous product improvement, and so reserves the right to make changes to the product and functions without notice. EN300296-2, EN301489-5, EN60065 We hereby declare that the above named product is in conformity to all the essential requirements of Directive 1999/5/EC. Denis Mauduit Quality Manager VOX Date: June, 7th 2004 Freephone Helpline: 0808 100 3015 - Internet site: http://www. lexibook. co. uk 1 Getting ready for use Charge both handsets for 12 hours before use. 2 Getting started Switching on and off To switch the handset ON: Press and hold the ON/OFF button until the display comes on To switch the handset OFF: Press and hold the ON/OFF button until the display goes blank You hear a musical tone each time to confirm. 3 Using the Personal Mobile Radio (PMR) Transmission range The talk range depends on environment and terrain. It will be greatest (up to about 3 km, or 13/4 miles) in wide open spaces, without obstructions such as hills or buildings. Don't try to use two PMR handsets which are less than 1. 5 m (5 feet) apart. PMR446 is anas other people may-- always identify yourself when transmitting, be communicating on the same channel. Ring tone You can send Ring tone to other handsets within range and tuned to the same channel, to alert them you want to communicate with them. Press and release the CALL button You'll hear Ring tone for about 3 seconds, while the TRANSMITTING light is on. Any other handset within range and tuned to the same channel will hear Ring tone, and may decide to transmit to you. 1. Fitting a battery pack in each handset It's easier to fit the batteries without the belt clip in place. Pull the tab forward (away from the handset) to release the belt clip. Then lift the belt clip off. The backlight for the display Open the locking latch and slide off the battery compartment cover. . then press the upper edge into the compartment (B), clicking the battery pack firmly into position. To switch the backlight on and off: Briefly press the ENTER button Changing channels PMR has eight channels, numbered 1 to 8. To communicate with other PMR users within range, you must all have your handsets tuned to the same channel. Press the MENU button ONCE The current channel number flashes on the display. Press the or button to go to the channel you want You can also use Ring tone at the end of a transmission to signal that you've finished speaking. VOX (voice-activated transmission) mode Battery life The TW30Z has a built-in Power Saver feature to make the batteries last longer. But when you're not using the handset, it's best to switch it off to save battery power. You'll also find that the batteries last longer if you keep the backlight switched off when you don't need it. In VOX mode, your handset will transmit whenever it detects your voice (or other noise), without the TALK button pressed. You may wish to use VOX mode if you're using a hands-free kit (see overleaf). At the highest level (most bars), the handset will pick up softer noises (including background noise); at the lowest level, it will pick up only quite loud noises. Press the ENTER button to confirm Volume control To adjust the loudspeaker volume: Press the or button Transmitting and receiving ! [. . . ] It will carry on monitoring for about 20 seconds, unless you press and release the MONI button again to stop it. You can plug a hands-free kit (not supplied as standard) into the socket on the top of your TW30Z handset. With a handsfree kit, you may wish to transmit in VOX mode; but if you find that this doesn't work very well, you can turn the VOX sensitivity off and press the TALK button to transmit, as normal. If you'd like to buy the optional hands-free kit, phone the Lexibook® Help Line on 0808 100 3015. 4. [. . . ]