[. . . ] RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN The lightning flash with arrowhead, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated "dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons. Replacement and mounting of an AC plug on the power supply cord of this unit should be performed only by qualified service personnel. The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code: Blue : Neutral Brown : Live If the plug provided is unsuitable for your socket outlets, the plug must be cut off and a suitable plug fitted. The cut-off plug should be disposed of and must not be inserted into any 13 amp socket as this can result in electric shock. [. . . ] The table below indicates when you will hear the surround back channel. Each press cycles through the options as follows: 1 encoding is always used (for example, on 5. 1 encoded material) · SB CH OFF ­ Surround back channel is switched off You can't use the surround back channel with headphones, the STEREO / DIRECT mode, or if the Surround back speaker setting on page 43 is set to SB or (VSXD814 only) SB SW. ⷠYou can't hear the surround back channel with DTS 96kHz/24 bit sources. Listening to your system Selecting this mode allows you to hear a virtual back channel through your surround speakers. For example, you can choose to listen to sources with no surround back channel information (for example, 5. 1 encoded sources like Dolby Digital EX or DTSES (VSB AUTO), or you can simply switch it off (VSB OFF). The table indicates when you will hear the virtual surround back channel. Each press cycles through the options as follows: · You can't use the Virtual Surround Back mode with headphones, the STEREO / DIRECT mode, or if the Speaker setting on page 42 is set to S . ⷠYou can only use the Virtual Surround Back mode if the surround speakers are on and the Surround back speaker setting on page 43 is set to SB or (VSX-D814 only) SB SW. ⷠYou can't adjust the surround back channel level when you're listening to the virtual surround back channel. Listening to your system Using Midnight and Loudness listening The Midnight listening feature allows you to hear effective surround sound of movies at low volume levels. The effect automatically adjusts according to the volume at which you're listening. The Loudness listening feature can be used to get good bass and treble from music sources at low volume levels. Depending on what you are listening to, you may want to adjust the bass or treble using the front panel tone control. Listening to your system When playback from the multichannel inputs is selected, you can't use the INPUT ATT, TONE, and MIDNIGHT/ LOUDNESS buttons, as well as the STANDARD, ADVANCED SURROUND, and STEREO/DIRECT sound modes. ⷠWhen playback from the multichannel inputs is selected, only the volume and channel levels can be set. Using the sleep timer The sleep timer switches the receiver into standby after a specified amount of time so you can fall asleep without worrying about the receiver being left on all night. If you have connected a decoder or a DVD player with multichannel analog outputs to this receiver (page 18), you must select the analog multichannel inputs for surround sound playback. You can check the remaining sleep time at any time by pressing SLEEP once. ⷠYou can also switch off the sleep timer simply by switching off the receiver. To cancel playback from the multichannel inputs, use the SIGNAL SELECT button to select a different input signal. [. . . ] Turn off the equipment causing the noise or move it away from the receiver. ⷠMove antennas farther away from equipment causing the noise. Refer to Manually calibrating your listening area (MCACC) on page 48 (with the VSX-D814, you can do this using the Quick surround sound setup on page 13) to check the speaker levels. Refer to Surround back speaker setting on page 43 to check the surround back speaker settings. [. . . ]