[. . . ] In this case, remove the dl8C and leave the unit In 8 warm place for several hours untIl the moIsture evaporates. . For the unit to operate at its best, it should not be subjected to temperatures below S-C(4'-F) or above 35-C (95~). Notes on headphones/earphone Do not use headphones/earphone while driving, cycling. or operating any motorized vehicle, it may create a traffIc hazard and is illegal in some areas. [. . . ] . Do not use old batteries together with new ones or different types of batteries together. . If the electrolyte inside the battery should leak, wipe the contaminated parts in the battery compartment wjth a cloth and replace the old batteries with new ones. . When the unit is not to be used for a long period of time, remove the batteries. Battery life Using on House Current If the unit you purchased does not include an AC power adaptor, please use a 6V SOOmA AC power adaptor. be sure to disconnect the AC power adaptor. 5 Charging RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES BATTERIES according to the 1. Insert four size AA RECHARGEABLE . E!:>"and "e. indications on the rear of the player next to the battery compartment. The unit has to be in the stop mode. To charae . Do not charge continuously for 24 hours or more. Doing so can cause the performance of the rechargeable batteries to deteriorate. . Replace the rechargeable batteries if the operating time decreases drastically even when they are properly charged. DO NOT CHARGE NORMAL BATTERIES AS IT MAY CAUSE EXPLOSION. AlWAYS MAKE SURE THE CHARGE SWITCH IS IN THE "OFF" POSITION WHEN USING WITH NORMAL BATTERIES. h , ~ ; , ""t ;, \ . 1 , 1 . . :~i '" :. . '; ~:;. ;\! ;:;. :::':1 !: ':-:;)1 \j: -:l. . ~::::t , :, ' : : ! ;" , . j:1, . . !: ! * AMS . auto music sensor 7 To remove the disc Pick up the disc. 4J/ENTER" is preS5ed the track numlJElr appeal$ in the display window. To change: When checking press eiltler l~ ur ~ lO alter Ih13track number for tho program currently dlspfayed. Pre6S "~I FNTER" to register the newly selected track into mcmory. if the track nllmb~r of a pmgrnm is selected as "00", all the 6ubsequerlt prugralr\s ~iartillg from and inchldino that prO<Jmmwill be cancelled. To delete; Shuffle pray w Pfayin9J~~-. ~~lecti~ns in Random Ord~r Press Play Mode untIl "RND"' appear5 in the display window. Some swivelling $ymbols will bo shown on the 01) DISPlAY and a short period of time ii neecj~d fur track $hufflil'9. ~J 7 !~ !81110~ To play the selections in randon) urder r~p9atedly. Af'or Gvery selflction ha~ been played in r~ndum order, they will bG resnuffled and played repea(edly In a different order each limo. . To locate the beginning of the . track being plf)yed: pre~s I~ . To locate tho next track; press ~~I previous track evfln ir you keep I~ REPEAT Play -Playing the Whole . However, rt~ssed. DIsC you cannot locatA a -. . Continuously To reIJ8at tho whole disc (or sel9cted tracks in Variuus Playing mod6); prQSS ~/ENTr::R alld . ~. will appear in ltle display windnw. L~:a:s:!] lQck!ng th~ Buttons SIidA the LOCK switch to the "LOCK" direction as i"dicated to prcvent accidental sQIGctIon of an unwanted runction duril"lg playback or stop mol1g. Notes on the LINE OUT jack If the CD Player you purcha6ed includes . . set of line cord. ynu C3, ) connccr it to the input terminals of a ~tereo $y~tem for enhanced sound. . Please note llle volume control of the CD Player Will have not effect on the sound level whon the lINE OUT jack is used for connvction. jack for connection to a stereo system as Adjust the vOlume control of tllG sterCo sy3tem to a , je~ired level. . Plca5e note the v(llulJIY control of tho CD rl~yerwill hCLvenot affect on the 9ound level wtlvn the LINE OUT jat;k is used for conncction. [. . . ] Open CD dOOr to reset unit and clos8 CD door again to resume play. l4-' If ynll have Cleaning the Len& accidcntally touched the len$ with dirly fill9o!rs or if dust on the lens pfeV9nf~ lit!. . nd the unit tram th8 lens opereting with" propcl1v. rJ~8ning open the uisc compartmillt clean kit es shown. Cleaning thc He~. ~pho~es/Earphone Plug -'- K~~p the plug of your h~adphones/earphono sourtd. Cleaning the C8sin~ cloan to obtain optimum j ::I \ , . , ", Clean 11'9casing with a M)fl cloth slightfy moistened with W$ter or a mild d8twrg~l1t ~ulutioll. [. . . ]