[. . . ] Contact us for information on consulting, course schedules and selfstudy material Either fax (which is the fastest way): Fax: . . 49 89 636-42945 Or write to: Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG Training Center, Beratungsservice D-81730 München Creative is a registered trademark, Sound Blaster 16 and VIBRA 16C are trademarks of Creative Technology Ltd. Intel, Pentium and Pentium Pro are registered trademarks and OverDrive is a trademark of Intel Corporation, USA. Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PS/2 and OS/2 Warp are registered trademarks of International Business Machines, Inc. [. . . ] You must disable the cache, if the access time is too short for older applications. Intern Only Only the internal cache is used. Intern And Extern Disabled Internal (first-level cache) and external cache (second-level cache) are enabled. Internal (first-level cache) and external cache (second-level cache) are disabled. All cache-related settings are then without effect. 20 A26361-D943-Z120-14-7619 Advanced - advanced system configuration Settings in BIOS Setup Cache Mode - Transfer Mode Requirement: The Cache field must be set to Intern Only or Intern And Extern. The field is set to Write Back and can not be changed In write-back mode the processor writes information to the cache and the information is only written to the main memory if necessary. Cache System BIOS Area / Cache Video BIOS Area The Cache field must be set to Intern only or Intern and Extern. Cache System BIOS Area and Cache Video BIOS Area lets you specify the BIOS that should be mapped to the cache. Cache Memory Regions The Cache field must be set to Intern only or Intern and Extern. Cache Memory Regions lets you specify the BIOS ROM areas that should be mapped to the cache. Disabled The relevant ROM area is not mapped to the cache (default entry). ! If your ISA board uses a dual ported RAM in the associated ROM area, set the entry to Disabled. A26361-D943-Z120-14-7619 21 Settings in BIOS Setup Advanced - advanced system configuration Shadow Memory calls the submenu in which you can specify which parts of the ROM (Read Only Memory) are to be copied to the faster RAM (Random Access Memory) at system startup. Phoenix BIOS Setup Advanced Shadow Memory System Shadow: Video Shadow: Shadow C800 CC00 D000 D400 D800 DC00 Memory Regions: - CBFF: - CFFF: - D3FF: - D7FF: - DBFF: - DFFF: Enabled [Enabled] [Disabled] [Disabled] [Disabled] [Disabled] [Disabled] [Disabled] Item Specific Help F1 Help ESC Exit Select Item Select Menu -/+ Enter Change Values Execute Command F9 Setup Defaults F7 Previous Values Example for submenu Shadow Memory System Shadow This field is always Enabled, because the System BIOS is automatically copied to the faster RAM. Video Shadow This field allows you to copy the video BIOS to fast RAM. Low-speed drives are preferred for the second (secondary) connector (e. g. The two IDE hard disk controller are disabled. Primary And Secondary Disabled Mouse Controller This field is used to enable and disable the built-in mouse controller on the system board. Enabled The mouse controller is enabled (default entry)- IRQ 12 is used. Audio Controller This field sets the base address for the audio controller on the system board or disables the audio controller. Enabled The system BIOS determines which system resources (interrupts, addresses, DMAs) are occupied (default entry). USB Controller switches the USB controller (Universal Serial Bus) of the system board on or off. Enabled The system BIOS determines which system resources (interrupts, addresses) are occupied. Disabled The USB controller is disabled (default entry). 26 A26361-D943-Z120-14-7619 Advanced - advanced system configuration Settings in BIOS Setup PCI Configuration calls the submenu in which you can make the settings for the PCI slots. Phoenix BIOS Setup Advanced PCI Configuration PCI PCI PCI PCI Interrupt Interrupt Interrupt Interrupt Mapping Mapping Mapping Mapping INTA#: INTB#: INTC#: INTD#: [Auto] [Auto] [Auto] [Auto] [Disabled] [Yes] [0040] [Yes] [0040] [Yes] [0040] -/+ Enter Change Values Execute Command F9 Setup Defaults F7 Previous Values Item Specific Help VGA Interrupt: PCI Device, Slot #1 Default Latency Timer: Latency Timer: PCI Device, Slot #2 Default Latency Timer: Latency Timer: PCI Device, Slot #3 Default Latency Timer: Latency Timer: F1 Help ESC Exit Select Item Select Menu Example for submenu PCI Configuration A26361-D943-Z120-14-7619 27 Settings in BIOS Setup Advanced - advanced system configuration PCI Interrupt Mapping INTx# - Assignment of the PCI interrupts defines which PCI interrupt is switched to which ISA interrupt. For the change to take effect, you must switch your PC off and then on again after the Setup BIOS has terminated. If you use a setting other than Auto, the Plug&Play functionality of the system BIOS for PCI boards is deactivated. The PCI interrupts INTA#, INTB#and INTC# are assigned as follows: PCI slot 1 = INTA#, PCI slot 2 = INTB#, PCI slot 3 = INTC# Auto The PCI interrupts are assigned automatically in accordance with the Plug&Play guidelines (default entry). [. . . ] In this case let yourself be guided by the marking in the rows of pins on the underside of the processor. Set the switches 1, 2 , 3 and 4 depending on the processor which is installed. If you want to replace the processor, contact your sales outlet or our service center, since you may require a voltage converter. ! A26361-D943-Z120-14-7619 53 Add-on modules Upgrading the second-level cache Upgrading the second-level cache The system board has a socket for second-level cache. You can install a PipelinedBurst second-level cache module with 128 Kbytes, 256 Kbytes or 512 Kbytes. ! To avoid damage to the system board only cache modules released by Siemens Nixdorf should be used. 1 2 1 = Installing second-level cache 2 = Removing second-level cache Ê Ê If a second-level cache is already installed, pull it out of the mounting location in the direction of the arrow (2). [. . . ]