[. . . ] The ELECTRONIC REFERENCE contains Franklin's confidential and proprietary information which you agree to take adequate steps to protect from unauthorized disclosure or use. This license terminates immediately without notice from FRANKLIN if you fail to comply with any provision of this license. 2 Key Guide Goes to the dictionary. Move up or down in text or lists; darken or lighten contrast at the Home Time or World Time screen. Types an asterisk (). Getting Started Gently pull the battery insulation tab to remove it. [. . . ] For example, the classmates for "oxygen" are other elements from the periodic table. 10 Using the Word List You can create a User List of approximately 40 words. You can even add words to your User List that are not in this dictionary. To Add a Word to the User List 1. You see the word you just added. To Add Selected Words In a definition, you can select a word and add it to your User List. You can either add this word or use the arrow keys to select another word. Note: Words such as "and" and "if' cannot be selected. 11 Using the Word List Adding Words Not in Dictionary When you add a word not in this dictionary, you're given two options: Cancel and Add anyway. Caution: Adding words not in this dictionary uses considerably more memory than adding words that are. If you add only words that are not in this dictionary, your User List may hold as few as 10 words. To Delete a Word 1. 12 Playing the Games There are four games to choose from: Anagram Solver, Hangman, Anagrams and Jumble. Your selected skill level will apply to all the games. To Select a Skill Level There are five skill levels for the games: Beginner (the default), Intermediate, Advanced, Expert and Wizard. When you see the one you want, press ENTER to select it. To Select a Game 1. 13 Playing the Games Keys to the Games You can use these keys in most games: To. . . End a round and reveal the answers Begin a new round View the definition of a game word Press. . . SPACE ENTER Also, when a flashing T appears at the right of a word after a round, you can see its thesaurus entries by pressing THES. To return to the game, press BACK. Anagram Solver Anagram Solver builds words of a minimum size from letters that you enter. Use or to view the words built from your letters. This unit may change operating modes due to Electrostatic Discharge. Normal operation of this unit can be re-established by pressing the reset key, ON/OFF or by removing/replacing batteries. 14 Playing the Games Hangman Hangman challenges you to guess mystery words one letter at a time. Type the letters you think are in the word. Anagrams Anagrams asks you to form a word from the letters of another word. Each anagram must have the minimum number of letters that flashes before each round. Use or to view the anagrams you have entered. Jumble Jumble tests your skill at unscrambling letters to form words. The number to the right of the letters shows how many words must be made with the letters in order to win. [. . . ] Charges will be made for all repairs unless valid proof of purchase is provided. This warranty explicitly excludes defects due to misuse, accidental damage, or wear and tear. This guarantee does not affect the consumer's statutory rights. Limited Warranty (outside U. S. , EU and Switzerland) This product, excluding batteries and liquid crystal display (LCD), is guaranteed by Franklin for a period of one year from the date of purchase. It will be repaired or replaced with an equivalent product (at Franklin's option) free of charge for any defect due to faulty workmanship or materials. [. . . ]