[. . . ] BOOKMAN is a powerful, portable electronic reference with a built-in book and a slot in the back for more books. With this Dictionary & Thesaurus you can look up thousands of dictionary entries, thesaurus entries and synonyms. You can also correct misspellings, save words to your User list, and play three fun, educational word games. To learn how to use other books, read their User's Guides. Installing Batteries and Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] This does not mean that your BOOKMAN is malfunctioning. 5 Remember, the colour keys for BOOKMAN book cards function as labelled on their cards, not as on the keyboard. Changing Settings You can adjust the font size, shutoff time, and screen contrast. The font size changes the number of lines of text that appear on screen. The shutoff time is how long BOOKMAN stays on if you forget to turn it off. 1. Highlight Set Font, Set Shutoff, or Set Contrast. Viewing a Demonstration Before you start using a book, you can view a demonstration of what it can do. If the book is built-in, the demonstration automatically appears the first time that you select the book. To disable it, press , highlight the Setup menu, and then select Disable Demo. If the book is in a card, select View Demo from the Setup menu to view its demonstration. Help is Always at Hand 4. Press if you selected to select it. You can view a help message at virtually any screen by pressing Press to read it. To exit help, press or . Follow the Arrows Resuming Where You Left Off You can turn off BOOKMAN at any screen. When you turn BOOKMAN on again, the screen that you last viewed appears. 6 The flashing arrows on the right of the screen show which arrow keys you can press to move around menus or view more text. Finding Definitions You can find definitions by typing a word at the Entry screen and then pressing . Press . Finding Words in Definitions Search for a Word lets you find all of the definitions in which a specific word appears. 1. Hold and press to view the next definition that includes your word. Browsing the Dictionary While in a definition, hold and press to view the next dictionary definition. Dictionary entries are not always in alphabetical order. 7 To view the previous one, hold and press . 7. when finished. Correcting Misspellings If you misspell a word, don't worry. Type a misspelled word. Reviewing Words The Path list lets you review the last 15 words you looked up. Your Path list is automatically saved between sessions until the batteries lose power. 1. Select View Path list from the Other menu. To erase a letter, press 2. Press to view a thesaurus entry or to view its Confusables, if any. 8 Finding a Letter If you are uncertain about a letter in a word, type a question mark in place of each unknown letter. 1. Type a word with ?'s. Finding a Series of Letters To find prefixes, suffixes, and other parts of words, type an asterisk in a word. NOTE: If you type an asterisk at the beginning of a word, it may take a while to find the matching words. 1. Press to define it. You can also use ?'s to help solve crossword puzzles. For example, if the second letter of a five-letter word is h and its last letter is w. [. . . ] · Check that the card's metal contacts are dirt-and dust-free. 16 FCC Notice Complies with the limits for a Class B computing device pursuant to Subpart B of part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference; and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesirable operation. Copyrights & Patents Model: DMQ-440N · batteries: 2 CR2032, 3-volt lithium · size: 12 x 1. 4 x 8. 3 mm · weight: 3. 5 oz. (without batteries) © 2001 Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. , Burlington, NJ 08016-4907, USA. Patents 4, 490, 811; 4, 830, 618; 4, 891, 775; 4, 982, 181; 5, 007, 019; 5, 113, 340; 5, 153, 831; 5, 203, 705; 5, 218, 536; 5, 229, 936; 5, 249, 965; 5, 295, 070; 5, 321, 609; 5, 333, 313; European Patent 0 136 379. [. . . ]