[. . . ] This license terminates immediately without notice from FRANKLIN if you fail to comply with any provision of this license. 1 Contents Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2 Introduction The Official Scrabble® Players Dictionary contains more than 100, 000 words specially chosen for playing Scrabble®. You'll find short words, unusual words, and words spelled with lessfrequent letters that help you get higher Scrabble® scores. These definitions don't provide the detail of general dictionary but they do give you a sense of one of the word's meanings. [. . . ] Press or ENTER DN to highlight a word. to define it. CLEAR 6. When you're done, press . 17 Building With Tiles Building Words With Blank Tiles If you have a blank tile in your Scrabble® tray, press ?* or SPACE to simulate it. There are only two blank tiles in Scrabble®. Eight Tiles in a Tray If you type more than eight tiles, you see a "No more" message. To edit your tiles, press to move the cursor and then type over them. 18 Building on Words The real power of The Official Scrabble® Players Dictionary is its ability to fit tiles into patterns of letters and words already on the Scrabble® board. Press ENTER . 19 Building on Words your tiles Scrabble® list board pattern 5. Press or ENTER DN to highlight a word. to define it. CLEAR 7. When you're done, press . Using Words as Board Patterns When you enter a word as a board pattern, as in the above example, `s automatically appear before and after the word. These 's allow words to be built by adding tiles at either end of your board pattern. or an in a board pattern, however, no 's are automatically added. (See "Building on Letters. ") 20 Building Between Letters To build words that fit between letters on the Scrabble® board, use the MatchMakerTM keys--the ?for an empty square or an for a series of empty squares. D T To type an , hold 4. Press or ENTER DN to highlight a word. to define it. CLEAR 7. When you're done, press . Using ?'s and 's in Patterns · You can enter more than one ?or in a board pattern, no ?'s or 's are automatically added by The Official Scrabble® Players Dictionary. So you may want to type 's at the beginning or end of the pattern. 22 Building on Letter Scores For higher scores, you can enter the letter score squares that appear on the Scrabble® board. Just type a 2 for each double letter score or a 3 for each triple letter score. Press or ENTER DN to highlight a word. to define it. CLEAR 7. When you're done, press . Using 2's and 3's in Patterns · You can enter more than one 2 or 3 in a board pattern, but there are no patterns on the Scrabble® board with double and triple letter scores squares. · When you enter 2's or 3's in a board pattern, no ?'s or 's are automatically added to that pattern. If you want to include ?'s or 's, you must type them. If No Scrabble® List is Made You'll see a "Sorry, can't help" message. Then try building words with different tiles or board patterns. 24 Reference Reference This section reviews how to use the Digital Book System. 25 Digital Book System Installing & Removing Digital Books To install a digital book, first turn off your Digital Book System. Highlight a word Unhighlight a word Highlight a line Highlight all notes Unhighlight notes Cut highlighted notes Copy highlighted notes Paste highlighted notes Delete highlighted notes CLEAR Press. [. . . ] This warranty shall not be applicable to the extent that enforcement of any provision may be prohibited by applicable law. FRANKLIN SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY OTHER INDIRECT LOSS OR DAMAGE, ARISING OUT OF YOUR PURCHASE, THE MANUFACTURE OR SALE OF THE DIGITAL BOOK, THIS LICENSE, OR ANY OBLIGATION RESULTING THEREFROM OR THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE DIGITAL BOOK UNDER ANY LEGAL THEORY, WHETHER BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR ANY OTHER CAUSE OF ACTION OR PROCEEDING, WHICH DAMAGES SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS, DAMAGES TO PROPERTY, OR PERSONAL INJURY (BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW). FRANKLIN'S ENTIRE LIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIM OR LOSS, DAMAGE, OR EXPENSE FROM ANY SUCH CAUSE SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE DIGITAL BOOK. This license and warranty is governed by the laws of the United States and the State of New Jersey. 33 Product Specifications Model IC-109 · Data: More than 100, 000 word specially selected for Scrabble® play; more than 42, 000 definitions; parts of speech information. [. . . ]