[. . . ] LWB-216 Literacy Word Bank The OXFORD Primary Dictionary & Thesaurus PARENT/TEACHER GUIDE LICENSE AGREEMENT READ THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT BEFORE USING THE ELECTRONIC REFERENCE. YOUR USE OF THE ELECTRONIC REFERENCE DEEMS THAT YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE TERMS, YOU MAY RETURN THIS PACKAGE WITH PURCHASE RECEIPT TO THE DEALER FROM WHICH YOU PURCHASED THE ELECTRONIC REFERENCE AND YOUR PURCHASE PRICE WILL BE REFUNDED. ELECTRONIC REFERENCE means the software product and documentation found in this package and FRANKLIN means Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. [. . . ] Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings, for example, gem, jewel, precious stone. Synonyms for a word can be found by typing the word at the thesaurus Word Entry screen and pressing . Thesaurus entries (when available) can also be looked up from the definition of a word, and the definition of a word (when available) can also be found from a thesaurus entry. Each thesaurus entry consists of: a) The headword (the word being looked up), in bold b) The part of speech, in italics, c) An example sentence using the headword, in italics, d) Synonyms or words of similar meaning and e) A word that has the opposite meaning to the word that is looked up. For example, the entry for admire, has "AN OPPOSITE IS: despise. " When a word can be used in more than one sense, each new sense is numbered and comes with its own example sentence or phrase and list of synonyms. Informal words are called out in brackets; for example, the entry for guts has [informal] before the example sentence. Some words may have cross-references, or suggestions to look up other entries. For example, the thesaurus entry for brass, has "FOR OTHER METALS, SEE metal. " To find synonyms, follow the example below. 16 1. Press repeatedly to read more. At the end of the thesaurus entry, the message "No more!" appears. To look up a cross referenced word, follow the steps above and type the word that is cross referenced at the thesaurus Word Entry screen. 17 To find the synonym of a word used in a definition, follow the steps below. Press screen. to return to the dictionary Word Entry 18 To find the definition of a word in a thesaurus entry, follow the steps below. to return to the dictionary Word Entry 19 SPELL CORRECTION The LITERACY WORD BANK comes with automatic spell correction. It helps children find the word they're looking for by either correcting a misspelled word or offering correctly spelled possibilities. to return to the dictionary Word Entry 20 FINDING LETTERS IN WORDS The LITERACY WORD BANK can help children find a word even when they are unsure of how it is spelled. In either the dictionary or thesaurus Word Entry screens, use to replace one unknown letter in a word. Suffixes, prefixes and other parts of words can be foundby using the asterisk () key. Note: If you type an asterisk () at the beginning of a word, the LITERACY WORD BANK may take a little while to find a matching word. Press and to go to the dictionary Word Entry screen or to go to the thesaurus Word Entry screen. to replace one letter and to replace two or more letters. 21 For example, type p?rt at the dictionary Word Entry screen. 3. Press . If the pattern typed has matches in the dictionary a list is displayed. If it it doesn't have any matches, the message, "Sorry, can't help. " appears. Press screen. to return to the dictionary Word entry 22 VIEWING THE WORD BANK LISTS The difficulty level can be selected before viewing the lists. [. . . ] In the calculator, the letters Q-P will automatically type the numbers 1-0. Press to add, press to subtract, press to and press until Calculator is on the to select it. multiply or press to divide. 5. to return to the dictionary Word Entry 40 BATTERY INFORMATION 1. Different types of batteries or new and used batteries are not to be mixed. [. . . ]