[. . . ] Fiþi prize takmadan evvel aþaðýdaki hususlara dikkat ediniz: • Prizin topraklamasýnýn yürürlükteki normlara uygun olmasý; • elektrik prizi, soðutucu bölmesinin sol tarafýnýn aþaðýsýnda bulunan özellik etikentinde belirtilen maksimum yükü taþýyabilmelidir; • besleme gerilimi soðutucu bölmesinin sol tarafýnýn aþaðýsýnda bulunan özellik etiketinde belirtilen deðer sýnýrý kapsamýnda olmalýdý (ör. 220-240 V); • Cihazýn fiþinin prizle uyumlu olmasý. Aksi takdirde cihazýn fiþinin deðiþtirilmesi için yetkili Servise (Teknik Servis bölümüne bakýnýz) baþvurmanýz gerekir, uzatma kablosu ya da çoklu priz kullanmayýnýz. !Cihaz monte edildikten sonra elektrik kablosu ve priz kolay eriþilebilecek yerlerde olmalýdýrlar. [. . . ] • Cihaza ayaklarýnýz çýplakken yada elleriniz veya ayaklarýnýz ýslak yada nemliyken dokunmayýnýz. • Buzdolabýnýn soðutma yapan iç kýsýmlarýna dokunmayýnýnz: yanma veya yaralanma tehlikesi vardýr. • Fiþi prizden çekerken kablosundan deðil fiþin kendisinden tutarak çekiniz. • Temizlik ve bakým iþleminden önce fiþ elektrik þebekesinden çýkarýlmalýdýr. Buzdolabýnýn tüm elektrik baðlantýlarýný kesmek için ISI AYAR DÜÐMESÝNÝ “0” konumuna (cihaz kapalý) getirmek yeterli deðildir. • Arýza halinde onarmak amacýyla iç mekanizmalarý kurcalamayýnýz. • Bölmelerin ikisinin içinde buzu kazýmak veya eritmek için baþka aygýtlar veya gerekçeler deðil, sadece mevcut olan buz küreðini kullanýnýnz. • Buz küplerini dondurucu bölmesinden çýkarýr çýkarmaz aðzýnýza sokmayýnýz ve yemeyiniz. • Çocuklarýn cihazla oynamasýna izin vermeyiniz. Kesinlikle çekmece üstüne oturmamalý ve kapýya tutunup sarkmamaldýr. • Ambalajlar çocuklar için oyuncak deðildir. Tasarrufa yöneliniz ve çevreye saygýlý olunuz • Buzdolabý doðrudan güneþ ýþýðýna maruz kalmayacak, serin ve havadar uygun bir yere yerleþtiriniz. For more complex features, consult the following pages. GB LAMP (see Maintenance) Removable lidded shelf with EGG TRAY and BUTTER DISH* SHELVES• Removable multipurpose SHELVES• Compartment for a 2 LITRE BOTTLE FRUIT and VEGETABLE bin TEMPERATURE CONTROL FREEZER and STORAGE compartment BOTTLE shelf STORAGE compartment • Varies by number and/or position. * Available only on certain models. 11 Start-up and use GB Starting the appliance 1 !Before starting the appliance, follow the installation instructions (see Installation). Before connecting the appliance, clean the compartments and accessories well with lukewarm water and bicarbonate. Insert the plug into the socket and ensure that the internal light illuminates. After a few hours you will be able to put food in the refrigerator. 2 SHELVES: with or without grill. Due to the special guides the shelves are removable and the height is adjustable (see diagram), allowing easy storage of large containers and food. Height can be adjusted without complete removal of the shelf. Using the refrigerator to its full potential • Use the REFRIGERATOR OPERATION knob to adjust the temperature (see Description). • Place only cold or lukewarm foods in the compartment, not hot foods (see Precautions and tips). They will increase humidity in the refrigerator and cause condensation to form. Setting the temperature The temperature inside the refrigerator compartment automatically adjusts itself according to the position of the thermostat knob. The cooling section of the refrigerator is located inside the back wall of the refrigerator compartment for increased space and improved aesthetics. During operation, the back wall will be covered in frost or water droplets depending on whether the compressor is operating or paused. [. . . ] It is not sufficient to set the temperature adjustment knobs on 0 (appliance off) to eliminate all electrical contact. • In the case of a malfunction, under no circumstances should you attempt to repair the appliance yourself. Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons may cause injury or further malfunctioning of the appliance. • Do not use utensils other than the scraper provided, or electrical equipment which is not of the type specified by the manufacturer, inside the frozen food storage compartments • Do not put ice cubes taken directly from the freezer into your mouth. [. . . ]