[. . . ] Çamaþýr makinesinin ambalajdan çýkartýlmasý 2. Çamaþýr makinesinin taþýma esnasýnda hasar görmemiþ olduðunu kontrol ediniz. Hasar görmüþ ise monte etmeyiniz ve yetkili satýcýyla temas kurunuz. Taþýma esnasýnda güvenliði saðlayan üç adet koruma vidasýný sökünüz ve üst kýsýmdaki plastik separatörü çýkartýnýz (resime bkz. ). A 1. [. . . ] Yýkamada kullanýlan az miktardaki su, zaman kazandýrmanýn yaný sýra kurutma programýnda enerji israfýný önler. Taným Programlar Deterjanlar Önlemler Bakým Arýzalar Elden çýkartma • Ambalaj malzemelerinin yok edilmesi: yerel talimatlara uyunuz, böylece ambalajlar tekrar kullanýlabilir. Servis ' Bakým ve temizlik 64 Su ve elektrik baðlantýsýný kesiniz • Su musluðunu her yýkamadan sonra kapatýnýz Böylece sistemin aþýnmasý önlenir ayrýca da su kaçaðý tehlikesi ortadan kalkar. • Bakým ve temizlik iþlemleri esnasýnda çamaþýr makinesinin fiþini çekiniz. Pompa temizliði Çamaþýr makinesinin pompasý kendini temizleyen bir özelliðe sahip olup, ayrýca temizlik gerektirmez. Ancak, bazý küçük cisimler (madeni para, düðme) pompanýn alt kýsmýndaki koruyucu bölmeye düþebilirler.  Yýkama iþleminin bittiðinden emin olup, fiþi çekiniz. Çamaþýr makinesin temizliði Dýþ gövde ve plastik aksam ýlýk su ve sabunla ýslatýlmýþ bir bez vasýtasýyla temizlenebilir. Çözücü ve aþýndýrýcý maddeler kullanmayýnýz. Pompa koruyucu bölgesine ulaþabilmek için: 1. Çamaþýr makinesinin alttaki ön panelini, bir tornavida vasýtasýyla, çýkartýnýz (resme bkz). Deterjan bölmesinin temizliði Bölmeyi kaldýrarak, dýþarýya doðru çekmek suretiyle çýkartýnýz (resime bkz. ). Musluk altýnda yýkayýnýz, bu hazne temizliði için yeterli olup sýklýkla uygulanmalýdýr. 1 2 2. Kapaðý saatin aksi istikametine çevirerek çýkartýnýz (resme bkz. ): bir miktar su gelmesi normaldir. Kapak ve tambur bakýmý • Kötü kokularýn oluþmasýný engellemek için kapaðý daima aralýk býrakýnýz. Paneli takarken, tam yerleþtirmeden evvel, kancalarýn yuvalara gelip gelmediðini kontrol ediniz. Su giriþ hortumunun kontrolü Su giriþ hortumunu, en azýndan senede bir defa kontrol ediniz. Yarýk veya çatlaklar varsa deðiþtiriniz: yýkama esnasýndaki yüksek basýnçlar ani delinmelere yol açabilirler.  Kesinlikle daha önceden kullanýlmýþ hortum kullanmayýnýz.  Sorunlar ve çözümleri Çamaþýr makinesi çalýþmýyor olabilir. sayfa 12), aþaðýdaki liste yardýmýyla kolayca çözümlenecek bir sorun olup olmadýðýna bakýnýz. TR Sorunlar: Çamaþýr makinesi çalýþmýyor. Yýkama iþlemi baþlamýyor. Muhtemel nedenler / Çözümler: Montaj • Fiþ prize takýlý deðil veya tam temas etmiyor. Insert seal A into the end of the inlet hose and screw the latter onto a cold water tap with a 3/4 gas threaded mouth (see figure). Before making the connection, allow the water to run freely until it is perfectly clear. Warning: clean the filters regularly by rinsing it under running water. Connect the other end of the water inlet hose to the washing machine, screwing it onto the appliance's cold water inlet, situated on the top right-hand side on the rear of the appliance (see figure). 4. Keep all the parts: you will need them again if the washing machine needs to be moved to another location.  Packaging materials are not children's toys. Levelling 1. Install the washing machine on a flat sturdy floor, without resting it up against walls, furniture cabinets or other. If the floor is not perfectly level, compensate for any unevenness by tightening or loosening the adjustable front feet (see figure); the angle of inclination, measured according to the worktop, must not exceed 2°. 3. Make sure there are no kinks or bends in the hose.  The water pressure at the tap must be within the values indicated in the Technical details table (on the next page).  If the water inlet hose is not long enough, contact a specialist store or an authorised serviceman. 14 Connecting the drain hose  Do not use extensions or multiple sockets. Connect the drain hose, without bending it, to a draining duct or a wall drain situated between 65 and 100 cm from the floor; GB Installation  The power supply cable must never be bent or dangerously compressed.  The power supply cable must only be replaced by an authorised serviceman. Warning!The company denies all liability if and when these norms are not respected. 65 - 100 cm Description The first wash cycle alternatively, place it over the edge of a basin, sink or tub, fastening the duct supplied to the tap (see figure). Once the appliance has been installed, and before you use it for the first time, run a wash cycle with detergent and no laundry, setting the 90°C programme without a pre-wash cycle. Programmes Detergents case of absolute need, the extension must have the same diameter as the original hose and must not exceed 150 cm in length. Electric connection  We advise against the use of hose extensions; in Technical details Model DS-WP-X 59. 5 cm wide 85 cm high 52. 5 cm deep from 1 to 5 kg voltage 220/230 Volts 50 Hz maximum absorbed power 1850 W maximum pressure 1 MPa (10 bar) minimum pressure 0. 05 MPa (0. 5 bar) drum capacity 46 litres Dimensions Capacity Electric connections Water connections Spin speed Precautions Before plugging the appliance into the mains socket, make sure that: • the socket is earthed and in compliance with the applicable law; • the socket is able to sustain the appliance's maximum power load indicated in the Technical details table (on the right); • the supply voltage is included within the values i ndicated on the Technical details table (on the right); • the socket is compatible with the washing machine's plug. [. . . ] A programme at 60°C instead of 90°C or one at 40°C instead of 60°C will save up to 50% on energy. • Use the correct quantity of detergent depending on the water hardness, how soiled the garments are and the amount of laundry you have, to avoid wastage and to protect the environment: despite being biodegradable, detergents do contain ingredients that alter the natural balance of the environment. • If you use your washing machine from late in the afternoon until the early hours of the morning, you will help reduce the electricity board's peak load. • If your laundry has to be dried in a tumble dryer, select a high spin speed. [. . . ]