[. . . ] Getting Started with Audit Getting Started with Audit Use the Audit application to monitor client and server activity, such as the date and time when a user logged into OmniVista, when an item was added to the discovery database, when a configuration file was saved, when a particular application was launched, etc. OmniVista organizes this information and stores it in the following log files: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · accounting. log - a record of all accounting activity appaccess. log - time and day users accessed a particular application backuprestore. txt - a record of all backup and restore activity config. log - a record of all save configuration activity discovery. log - a record of all discovery activity login. log - time and day users logged into OmniVista and whether or not login attempts were successful policy. log - a record of all policy activity polling. log - a record of all switch polling activity quarantine. log - a record of all Quarantine Manager activity secureviewsa. log - a record of all authentication server configuration activity server. txt - a record of all server activity statistics. log - a record of all Statistics activity syslog. log - a record of system events telnet. log - a record of all telnet activity trapconfig. log - a record of all trap configuration activity trap. txt - a record of all traps received vlan. log - a record of all VLAN activity. Note: The traps. txt file will not be listed under Current Log Files. All logs are dynamically updated; and, with the exception of the server. txt file, each of the log files can be archived, exported to a . txt file, or deleted. [. . . ] See Field Definitions for a description of each of the log file fields. Field Definitions Date. For example, the date and time when the user logged in, the date and time when a configuration file was saved, etc. OmniVista's pre-defined user names include admin, netadmin, user, and writer. Indicates that an action was initiated or successfully completed (e. g. , "Begin saving configuration"). Indicates that a user action was unsuccessful, or that there was a change to the system (e. g. , "Failed login attempt). Indicates a system or application problem (e. g. , a log message telling you that a device went down, or that that there was no response from the device). 4 Viewing Log Files Description. For login. log, the description might be the status of the login ("Successful login") or the type of user change ("Update group"). For discovery. log, the description might be the name of the discovered switch, including its IP address and who has access privileges to it ("Writing discovery item [10. 255. 11. 127 PR-5200 (-Everyone-)]"). The management IP address that identifies the switch on which the event occurred. 5 Archiving Log Files Archiving Log Files Follow the steps below to archive a log file. Select the log file you want to archive from the Current Log Files list. Right-click on the log file to display the Audit control tree pop-up menu, as shown below. Click on Archive Log File. When a Current Log File is archived, an Archived Log File is created that is a copy of the Current Log File (log files are appended with a ". rou" extension, text files are appended with a ". bak" extension) . The Archived Log File has the same filename as the Current Log File but the date and time the file was archived is appended to the filename. For example, if you archive the appaccess. log file, a copy of this log is created and saved under the name appaccess_07-22-2004_035519PM, as shown in the diagram below. 6 Archiving Log Files When you archive a log file, the file is removed from the Current Log Files folder and archived to the Archived Log Files folder. A new log file will be created in the Current Log Files Folder when any logging activity occurs. For example, a new "appaccess. log" file will be created the first time you access another OmniVista application. [. . . ] Right-click on the log file to display the Audit control tree pop-up menu, as shown below. A confirmation box will display, giving you the opportunity to confirm or cancel your action. In the above example, a Current Log File was selected. To delete more than one file at a time, use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple files. 10 [. . . ]