[. . . ] i465 User's Guide DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Per FCC CFR 47 Part 2 Section 2. 1077(a) Class B Digital Device As a personal computer peripheral, this device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. [. . . ] After choosing what PTT item you are sending, select a contact and press the PTT button to send. main attractions quick PTT Quick PTT lets you quickly make a call, when accessing any Private IDs on your phone. 53 or 2 Select Configure to configure your PTT Quick Notes, PTT My Info, One Touch PTT, or On/Off PTT. You can turn off Bluetooth if you want to prolong battery life or if you enter an area where Bluetooth is prohibited. Bluetooth® Find it: / > c make a Bluetooth connection connect your handset with a Bluetooth headset Find it: / > c > Hands Free> [Find Devices] 1 Follow the instructions on your Bluetooth headset to set it up to be found. 2 Once your Bluetooth headset is set to be found press r on your handset. Press r when you see the name of the Bluetooth headset on your screen. 3 Your handset requires that you create a bond in order to connect with a Bluetooth headset. Press K under Yes when you are prompted to bond with the headset. turn Bluetooth on or off You can turn your phone's Bluetooth feature on or off. While Bluetooth power is on, your phone can communicate with other devices. Find it: / > c > Setup > Power 1 Select On to power Bluetooth On. 3 Select Find Me Time to determine the amount of time in which your handset can be found by other Bluetooth devices. Please refer to your Bluetooth device's user guide to locate this information. If a device ships without a Bluetooth PIN, then you can enter any PIN for that device. To establish a connection to that device, enter the same PIN for both your phone and the device. For example, if you enter 1234 as the device's PIN, then enter 1234 as your phone's PIN. This handset offers the Bluetooth auto pair feature with auto pair compatible Motorola devices. When bonded via Bluetooth with a certain device, the pin will not be required. connect your handset with another Bluetooth device Find it: / > c > Link To Devices 1 Select the device you want from the list of found devices on your screen. If you have previously connected to a device, the device will be stored on your phone so you can connect with it easily. use Bluetooth during a call You can connect with available Bluetooth devices during a call. 2 Select the audio device you want to connect to from the list of Hands Free Devices. If the Audio Devices list contains only one device, your phone will try to connect to it. main attractions 55 send information via Bluetooth Your handset can transfer Contacts entries, Datebook events, audio files, pictures and videos to another Bluetooth device. The receiving device must be within 32 feet (10 meters) of your phone in order to connect. Note: Files sent or received may be up to 1 MB, depending on your service provider. sending information 1 From within Contacts, datebook, or Media Center, select the Contacts entry, Datebook event, audio file, video, or picture you want to send. 3 Select the device you want to transfer the contact information to, or search for the device by selecting [Find Devices]. 56 main attractions Your phone connects with the devices and transfers the information. call features turn off a call alert You can press the volume keys to turn off a call alert before answering the call. [. . . ] · Erase before recycling--Delete personal information or data from your mobile device prior to disposing of it or turning it in for recycling. For instructions on how to delete all personal information from your device, please contact your local service provider. · Understanding AGPS--To provide location information for emergency calls, certain Motorola mobile devices incorporate Assisted Global Positioning System (AGPS) technology. AGPS technology also can be used in non-emergency applications to track and monitor a user's location--for example, to provide driving directions. [. . . ]