[. . . ] Unauthorized or unlawful downloading expressly prohibited. HALF-LIFE 2 BASICS: GETTING STARTED HALF-LIFE 2: BASICS HALF-LIFE 2: A CONDENSED WALKTHROUGH HALF-LIFE 2: EPISODE ONE HALF-LIFE 2: EPISODE TWO ACHIEVEMENTS AND UNLOCKABLES PRIMAGAMES. COM i 3 Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful downloading expressly prohibited. MASTER SCIENTIST IN TRAINING: HOW TO USE THIS BOOK GETTING STARTED The following sections reveal the necessary elements you need to survive, thrive, and resist the Combine's assorted forces as you escape their clutches flee the City, and rampage through the Outlands. Before you squeeze into your HEV Suit, thoroughly digest the strategies presented here. The bulk of this guide is a walkthrough of the Episode One adventure, also known as Aftermath, and Episode Two. [. . . ] These creatures (except for the citizens) are hostile to you and the resistance fighters you lead, and are organized into three groups: monsters, fiends who act independently, and the Combine collective, which attacks to further its own goals. ACHIEVEMENTS AND UNLOCKABLES CAUTION The following bestiary lists information, including takedown tactics, of the enemy entities you will encounter during all three Half-Life adventures. If you do not wish to learn the full horror that awaits you, avoid reading this chapter. Each creature's description lists information on where it appears, its health points and damage points, threat level (explained in a moment), and its type. Following this listing are lengthier descriptions regarding additional notes, attack patterns, and takedown tactics. The threat level, a ranking from 1 to 5, indicates how wary you should be when clashing with a particular foe. Negligible apprehension­inconsequential foe Slight trepidation­possible minor harm Exercise caution­expect reasonable retaliation Real threat­combat is hazardous Extreme danger­powerful entity ANTLION First seen (HL2): Chapter 7, "Highway 17" First seen (EP1): Chapter 3, "Lowlife" First seen (EP2): Chapter 1, "To the White Forest" Chapter appearance(s) (HL2): 7­9 Chapter appearance(s) (EP1): 3, 4 Chapter appearance(s) (EP2): 1, 2, 3 Health: 30 Attack damage: 5 (mandible) 5 (land from jump) Threat level: Entity type: Monstrous NOTES AND ATTACK PATTERNS These vicious predators hunt in herds of two to six (although they do attack on their own). They savage prey with giant mandibles that skewer and rend flesh, with incisor-coated mouths that knock you back and damage you severely. Twice as fast as a humans, and able to fly before pouncing (which is their second attack), these fiends are soon able to overwhelm you. They appear only when you disturb the sand they burrow up from; so avoid combat entirely by staying off beaches and keeping to rocky outcrops. Finally, to determine which weapon to use on each entity and how many shots are required for a particular weapon to destroy a foe, check the foe's health and compare it to the damage inflicted by a weapon's ammunition (refer to the "Weapons Detail" section for this information). TAKEDOWN TACTICS PART I: MONSTERS AND FIENDS Monsters and fiends are further subdivided into two classes; "Monstrous" (usually wildlife with animal instincts) and "Parasitic" (either a controlled or controller entity with simple and savage attack patterns). Retreat, run them over with your car, or shoot them with your Gravity Gun to flip them onto their backs while you escape. Antlions attack in waves, so after you kill about five at once, you have a moment to escape before more arrive. Without a car, blast them with fast-firing weapons, and seek higher ground off the sand that alerts them, or look for a black obelisk known as a Thumper that thuds the ground and scares them off. NOTE Once you have the Pheropod in your position, Antlions are considered friendly creatures to use as offensive weapons. When they attack an enemy, one single mandible or landing attack kills its target (usually a Combine Soldier). No Pheropods are available during your new encounters with these beasts. PRIMAGAMES. COM i 27 Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful downloading expressly prohibited. 42 i PRIMA OFFICIAL GAME GUIDE Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful downloading expressly prohibited. HALF-LIFE 2: A CONDENSED WALKTHROUGH CHAPTER 1: 7777777 HALF-LIFE 2: BASICS HALF-LIFE 2: A CONDENSED WALKTHROUGH HALF-LIFE 2: EPISODE ONE HALF-LIFE 2: EPISODE TWO PART 3: TENEMENT BUILDINGS Enter the building and head up the stairs around the disused elevator. Listen to the citizens' stories if you wish, then exit to the main landing, climb up another flight of steps, and follow the gestures of a man beckoning you forward into his hovel. Immediately run past the sleeping man on the sofa, out of the other exit, right and across to the stairs, then sprint up and look for a man at a door. Dive through this entrance and run up the steps to the roof access while he holds the Metro Cops at bay. With the police on your tail, look left and exit the roof via the large hole. Jump to the rooftops. POINT INSERTION Inventory Pick-Ups Scenic items only Friendly Encounters Repatriation Citizens* Barney Calhoun* Dr. Isaac Kleiner* Alyx Vance* Pigeons* Hostile Encounters Metro Cops* Scanners* Dr. Wallace Breen* Combine APC* Strider* Combine Gunships* ACHIEVEMENTS AND UNLOCKABLES * Indicates first exposure to entity PART 1: THE TRAIN STATION Waking from a hallucination, optionally chat with the passengers aboard, then wait for the train to stop. [. . . ] As a freelance The pace to White Forest quickens, now that the open road is before and theUntil, of course, the road becomes writer, he's Please be advised that the ESRB Ratings icons, "EC, " "E, "and the long-dead remains of hapless refugees and worse. Amid the eerie clogged with rusting vehicle hulks "E10+, " "T, " "M, " "AO, " and contributed to numerous mainstream and enthusiast publications, including Wired, "RP" are trademarks owned by the Entertainment Software Association, and may only Games for Windows Magazine, Gamepro, Electronic Gaming Monthly, and X-Play. quiet of these mountains is a lonely radar station, needs to be powered his for Alyx with Prima. For information regarding whether awhichHalf-Life 2: The Orange Box is up first project to communicate with White Forest. [. . . ]