[. . . ] This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, you can try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ?Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Voyage? [. . . ] Refer to a global variable name, typically with two or more characters, that is not likely to exist outside of the function or program. Include DelVar within the function or program to delete the global variable, if it exists, before referring to it. (DelVar does not delete locked or archived variables. ) String Operations Strings are used to enter and display text characters. You can type a string directly, or you can store a string to a variable. Programming 600 How Strings Are Used A string is a sequence of characters enclosed in "quotes. " In programming, strings allow the program to display information or prompt the user to perform some action. or ? "Enter the angle in degrees?!str1 Input str1, ang1 Some input commands (such as InputStr) automatically store user input as a string and do not require the user to enter quotation marks. A string cannot be evaluated mathematically, even if it appears to be a numeric expression. For example, the string "61" represents the characters "6" and "1", not the number 61. Although you cannot use a string such as "61" or "2x+4" in a calculation, you can convert a string into a numeric expression by using the expr command. Programming 601 String Commands Note: See the Technical Reference module for syntax for all commands and functions. Command # & char dim expr Description Converts a string into a variable name. Important: Some user input commands store the entered value as a string. Before you can perform a mathematical operation on that value, you must convert it to a numeric expression. EndIf Structures To execute one group of commands if a conditional test is true and a different group if the condition is false, use this structure: :If x>5 Then : Disp "x is greater than 5" : 2?x!x :Else : Disp "x is less than or equal to 5" : 5?x!x :EndIf :Disp x Executed only if x>5. EndIf Structures A more complex form of the If command lets you test a series of conditions. Suppose your program prompts the user for a number that corresponds to one of four options. To test for each option (If Choice=1, If Choice = 2, etc. ), use the If. . . Then. . . ElseIf. . . EndIf structure. Programming 608 Refer to the Technical Reference module for more information and an example. Lbl and Goto Commands You can also control the flow of your program by using Lbl (label) and Goto commands. Use the Lbl command to label (assign a name to) a particular location in the program. Lbl labelName name to assign to this location (use the same naming convention as a variable name) You can then use the Goto command at any point in the program to branch to the location that corresponds to the specified label. Goto labelName specifies which Lbl command to branch to Programming 609 Because a Goto command is unconditional (it always branches to the specified label), it is often used with an If command so that you can specify a conditional test. For example: :If x>5 : Goto GT5 :Disp x :-------:-------:Lbl GT5 :Disp "The number was > 5? For this example, the program must include commands (such as Stop) that prevent Lbl GT5 from being executed if x{5. Using Loops to Repeat a Group of Commands To repeat the same group of commands successively, use a loop. Each type gives you a different way to exit the loop, based on a conditional test. F2 Control Toolbar Menu To enter most of the loop-related commands, use the Program Editor?s ?Control toolbar menu. Programming 610 When you select a loop, the loop command and its corresponding End command are inserted at the cursor location. :For | :EndFor If the loop requires arguments, the cursor is positioned after the command. You can then begin entering the commands that will be executed in the loop. Note: A loop command marks the start of the loop. [. . . ] 145 APD (Automatic Power Down) feature during calculation or program . 274, 275 Arc (graph math tool) 329, 335, 344, 352 arc length, arcLen( ) . See CBL Calculator-Based Ranger See CBR Calculator-Based Ranger system connecting . 796 csch/( ), inverse hyperbolic cosecant 796 cSolve( ), complex solve . [. . . ]