[. . . ] The sections of this handbook and parts of the facsimile marked with symbols are safety warnings meant to protect the user, other individuals and surrounding objects, and ensure correct and safe usage of the facsimile. WARNING: Indicates that serious injury or even death may result from insufficient attention to or incorrect compliance with the related points. CAUTION: Indicates that personal injury or mechanical damage may result from insufficient attention to or incorrect compliance with the related points. Symbols The symbol indicates that the related section includes safety warnings. [General warning] [Warning of danger of electrical shock] [Warning of high temperature] The symbol indicates that the related section includes information on prohibited actions. [. . . ] Exit the Preview screen. 1/6 4 Close Status 08/08/2009 10:10 4 1 OPERATION GUIDE 4-35 FAX Operation (Advanced) Printing a FAX Box List You can print the FAX Box list in which the list of Box No. 's and Box names of the registered FAX Boxes are described. When there are originals in the FAX Boxes, the number of pages is displayed. NOTE: The list can be printed when user login has been enabled and the machine is logged in with administrator privileges. 1 2 3 Press the System Menu key. Press [Document Box/Removable Memory], [Next] of FAX Box, and then [Print] of FAX Box List. The machine prints a list of the FAX Boxes. FAX Reception Box 4-36 OPERATION GUIDE FAX Operation (Advanced) Sub Address Communication Sub Address Communication Sub address communication is communication in which data is sent and received with sub addresses and passwords attached in conformance with the ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union) recommendations. Sub addresses enable communication modes with third-party machines that were previously only possible between our brand machines. These include confidential delivery (sending originals to an original delivery box set up in the receiving system) and polling communication (reception of documents from a source machine that is controlled from the receiving machine). Using sub address communication and the memory forwarding function on this machine also allows advanced communication functions such as storing received originals in FAX Boxes and forwarding originals to other fax machines. 4 NOTE: In order to conduct sub address communication, the other party's system also needs to be equipped with sub address communication functions of the same type. Sub address-based communication can be used together with various kind of functional communication. When registering a sub address and sub address password in the Address Book and One-touch keys, you can omit their entry before transmission. For details, refer to the explanations in the procedure of each communication method and registration method. Sub Address With the machine, sub address and sub address passwords are called sub address. Sub Address Use the numbers from 0 to 9, ` (space)', and `#' and `*' characters to enter a sub address of up to 20 digits. When you press [Yes] on the deletion confirmation screen, the program is deleted. Using Program Dial 1 2 Program recalling. 01 FAX 1 06 No. Press the Program key. Press [Recall] and then the key of the program number to call up (1 to 50). Press [No. ] to recall the program number by direct entry. 3 02 FAX 2 07 03 08 04 09 NOTE: You can also use the program you have called up to change transmission requirements such as changing the other party. 05 10 Recall Status Register Edit 08/08/2009 10:10 4 Press the Start key. Transmission begins. 4-40 OPERATION GUIDE FAX Operation (Advanced) Polling Communication Polling communication is a communication mode in which the transmission of originals on the sending machine is controlled by the receiving machine. This allows the receiving machine to tailor the reception of originals to its own circumstances. This machine supports both polling transmission and polling reception. IMPORTANT: Because the receiving machine dials the sending machine in polling communication, call charges are normally borne by the recipient. Polling Transmission Originals to be used in polling transmissions should be stored in a Polling box. When a polling request is received from the destination, the stored originals are sent automatically. Once originals intended for polling transmission have been sent to the destination, they are automatically deleted. However, if you set Delete Transmitted File to [Off], the originals are stored in the Polling box until you delete them. You can use polling transmission with the same originals as many times as you wish. [. . . ] Specified sub address box is not registered in ourbrand recipient machine, or the sub address does not match. Recipient machine is not equipped with a sub address box function, or the sub address does not match. Encrypted transmission was canceled because the specified box is not registered. Encrypted transmission was canceled because the recipient fax is not equipped with an encrypted communication function. [. . . ]