[. . . ] OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1 CS4ZX - RAPID GET YOU GOING INSTRUCTIONS Look for the highlighted pre-set positions 1. 7. Assemble and adjust for length (Twist surplus lead around stem). Set SENSITIVITY (top right) to white marker (3 o'clock position). METER SWITCH (centre, below meter) a) Push down and hold to indicate battery condition. [. . . ] NOTCH ACCEPT works in the same way except a small band of targets are detected and all others are ignored. Please note the following: i) ii) iii) iv) Always set the NOTCH with the DISC control in ALL METAL. The position at which objects are notched out is not exactly the same as the position at which they are ignored on DISC. Which ever is set highest of DISC and NOTCH has authority, thus NOTCH ACCEPT will not work if the DISC setting is higher. If necessary accurate pinpointing can be achieved by changing to the NON MOTION mode. Diagram 11 Effect of Notch Control Position £1 COIN RING PULL The NOTCH is now set and the DISC control can now be used to achieve the desired combination. It is the skilful combination of these two controls which gives the CS4ZX its versatile ability in most conditions and the following chart gives graphic explanation as to their effective use. Diagram 12 Effect Of Discriminate & Notch Setting 15 Diagram 12 continued NAIL SMALL MILK HORSESHOE BOTTLE TOP 5p COIN RING PULL £1 COIN ACCEPT NO SOUND NOTCH SETTING OFF 2 4 Although the CS4ZX is manufactured to the highest specification, slight variations can occur in all electronic equipment. This chart, therefore is intended as a guide only and precise setting for maximum performance will be achieved by constant practice. How to use diagrams 10, 11 and 12: If you wished to avoid detecting ring pulls and small ferrous objects (e. g. The effect would be: Ring pulls Nails 5p/milk volume £1 coin DETECTED NO SOUND NAIL SMALL MILK 5p COIN HORSESHOE BOTTLE TOP RING PULL £1 COIN - no sound no sound bottle top high etc. high - volume DISC SETTING Note: Take 10 leave the position when in detect small 8 6 4 2 care not to inadvertently the NOTCH in ACCEPT as the detector, MOTION, will only over the range within the 16 ACCEPT 'window'. This can give the impression that the detector is not functioning correctly. It is simply remedied by switching to the highlighted REJECT position. OPERATING IN NON MOTION MODE Setting The Ground Control On Inland Sites Prior to searching, the detector must first be set to ignore the signal due to the ground mineralisation. To do this find an area of ground thought to be free of metal objects and check using MOTION mode. Select NON MOTION on the trigger switch (O in diagram 7) and set the GROUND control to position 3 (highlighted). Select GROUND on the METER switch located directly beneath the centre of the meter. Select INLAND on the GROUND switch located next to the GROUND CONTROL. Turn the SENSITIVITY control to maximum (or audio threshold) if using headphones. Position the search head two to three inches above the ground and RETUNE by pulling trigger switch towards your body. If the meter moves to the right followed by a recovery (back to the central position) adjust the GROUND control clockwise about one division. If the meter moves to the left, followed by a recovery to the central position adjust the GROUND control anticlockwise one division. Repeat 5 and 6 using progressively smaller adjustments of the GROUND control each time until no meter movement occurs as the head is raised and lowered. Having done this reduce the SENSITIVITY until the audio threshold is comfortable and select METER DISC on the METER switch. Ensure the head is at the search height and RETUNE on the trigger switch to centralise the meter needle. [. . . ] Bottle tops, silver paper and tin cans are the last thing you should throw away. Do yourself and the community a favour by taking the rusty iron and junk you find to the nearest litter bin. If you discover any live ammunition or any lethal objects such as an unexploded bomb or mine, do not touch it. Remember it is illegal for anyone to use a metal detector on a scheduled ancient monument unless permission has been obtained 22 from the Historic Buildings and Ancient Monument Commission for England or the Secretary of State for the Environment in Scotland and Wales. [. . . ]