[. . . ] They are designed with lasting quality in mind, high technology input, and above all, value. ' The only way to realise this value and quality is to carefully study and understand this instructi0'1 booklet. You will then be able to obtain all of the advantages designed into. your detector. It is also strongly recommended that you experiment with the detector operation indoors in air with test samples, in order to learn to identify and understand the detector's capabilities and responses. [. . . ] SEARCH HEAD The concentric coi I arrangement of the search head is designed to transmit and receive a magnetic field and detect the changes that occur when metal is present. Because the receive coil is in the centre and the transmit coil around the perimeter, the hot-spot or pinpointing area is in the exact centre of the search head. . \ C-Scope search heads are fully waterproof and can tht3refore be immersed in rivers, rockpools, etc. After use, particularly in salt water, it is advisable to wash off the search head and lower stem in fresh water. It must be remembered that the search head is very sensitive to temperature changes. The audio channel ground excludes, and the meter channel discriminates. Ensure that the correct tuning level has been set and then commence searching. sweeping in rhythmic arcs from one side to another, and advancing about six inches after each sweep. Every metal object within range of the detector will give an audio response, and the user should first concentrate on recognising variations in audio signal level. Once a target has been recognised the user can then consult the meter response. With practice the recognition of a signal and its analysis become synchronised and it is possible to disregard signals caused by iron and continue sweeping. A signal caused by 'iron will give an audio signal, but the meter will swing left towards the REJECT end of the meter scale. and to ground exclude in these conditions the detector needs to be set at a point where iron is rejected. This is a useful coincidence because it means that ground exclusion and discrimination against iron are possible at the same setting on wet salt sand with the 1200-8. The ground exclude setting for beaches is not as exact as that for inland siles and in practice it is possible to reject silver paper and ground exclude on a beach. The qiscriminate level can also be adjusted to suit the particular conditions. Follow Steps 1·3 "Setting the Tuning Level of the Detector. " 4c. Keep it at a steady height above the ground and p. nsure the tuning level is set correctly by operating the ADC switch to the left or right and then release it. To operate in a Discriminate Mode set the Function Control to the relevant D level. the detector is being operated in the Discriminate Modes on an inland site. it will be necessary to balance the Sensitivity Level to reduce the ground effect. and how capable the operator is at keeping the search head level with the ground. A sacrifice in Sensitivity Level will drastically reduce the ground effect. ground effect willl:)e reduced by 800%, but depth penetration will only be reduced by about 20%. 6c. USE IN THE FIELD Detection Area TR detectors employ a Total Response search head which means that the object can be detected across the full width of the search head. ~~~ X \~ Search Are _. ~ _____l ~ r----_____. . . . Diagram 3. [. . . ] A deliberate search in a house of the right age can hardly fail to be rewarding. Rivers The best parts of rivers to concentrate on are (1) public footpaths along r~r banks. (3) Bends in the river where coins are likely to be deposited against a particular bank by the action of the current. (4) Areas downstream of old drainage pipes or upstream of projections such as wooded piers, or other obstructions. [. . . ]