[. . . ] English Getting Started Guide Virtual String Machine 1 Thank you for purchasing the GForce Virtual String Machine instrument. A full PDF manual is included on the disc so please use this as your primary reference source for VSM as it contains useful information to help you understand the functionality of the instrument. [. . . ] The first time you open VSM you will be prompted to locate the Resources. cpt2 file and enter the Registration Code EXACTLY as you find it printed on the inside cover of the "Getting Started Guide. " Registration Please take the time to register your VSM online at: www. gforcesoftware. com Registration is required to receive priority technical support and the latest updates English Getting Started with VSM 2 Virtual String Machine Standalone Instrument: Mac HD/Applications Audio Unit Instrument: Mac HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components VST Instrument: Mac HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins RTAS Instrument: Mac HD/Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-ins User Patches: User/Library/Application Support/GForce/String Machine/ Patches Standalone Instrument: C:/Program Files/GForce/String Machine VST Instrument: C:/Program Files/Vstplugins/String Machine RTAS Instrument: C:/Program Files/Common Files/Digidesign/DAE/PlugIn User Patches: C:/My Documents/GForce/String Machine/Patches Install locations Mac Install locations PC VSM Quirks and Tips We spent a huge amount of time acquiring, recording and looping as many string machine samples as possible. Those of you who know us from past instruments will know we love the esoteric and oddball and this product is no exception. With instruments like the Freeman String Symphonizer, we love the way that each note sounds slightly different and with two oscillators per note the differences can be quite marked. For example the brightness of each C in the octave, compared to the rest of the notes, leads to the type of tones that set this apart from other similar instruments within the genre. In short, you will find variations between different notes on many instruments but as this undoubtedly adds to the overall character it was essential to preserve it. To further highlight this, on some instruments we have deliberately preserved the attack portion of each note because we felt it was essential in capturing the essence of the instrument. This means that when you set the envelope attack time to zero, there will still be a degree of ramping in. With others, it was less important and these will have a sharper attack when you set the envelopes in the same way. In fact during development we have discovered a few guidelines that might help you get the most out of your VSM. When using sounds that already have ensemble or chorus included, the on-board ensemble should be used with care. [. . . ] Of course, all rules are made to be broken and that's why we call them hints and tips, not rules. Virtual String Machine 3 Minimum System Requirements PC Intel Pentium IV 1GHz with 512MB RAM 5GB Hard Drive Space Windows XP SP2, Vista Home Premium or greater VST 2. 0 or RTAS compatible host application for plug-in operation ASIO-compatible soundcard for standalone operation Minimum System Requirements Mac 1. 25 GHz PowerMac G4 512MB of RAM 5 GB Hard Drive Space Mac OS X 10. 4 (Tiger) VST 2. 0, RTAS, or Audio Unit compatible host application for plug-in operation. Audio Units - Mac OS X : For use on Logic Audio, Ableton Live, GarageBand, Digital Performer and any AU-compatible host. English System Requirements: 080211_VSM_GS_EN01 [. . . ]