[. . . ] Photo 2. 5 Easily create a cartooned look in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements [ from: Digital Anarchy] f/x tools for revolutionaries [render code by] www. digitalanarchy. com ToonIt!Photo 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 Creating good source images How it works Easy, believable cartooning OS & Application Support Installation & Location Support, Registration & Training Plan your photos Check for good lighting Illuminate the subject Pay attention to clothing Look for the little details Watch out for shadows Resolution affects cartoon detail How to apply ToonIt settings Apply & Cancel buttons Move command Undo, Redo Zoom In, Zoom Out Contextual menu Show Original Image Works with Actions & Batches Effects Palette reorganization New Effect groups New Supersmart Blur type Other changes Quality vs Speed Tips for faster render The spinning cursor. . . Last settings & Reset button Changing the settings 3 Overview of Interface 7 Changes from ToonIt 2. 0 to 2. 5 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 Render times & settings 11 © 2010, Digital Anarchy : revolutionary tools for photos | ToonIt!Photo 2. 5: Table of Contents The Preview Window 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 25 25 27 27 27 28 28 The Preset Manager Render & Preview look different Caps Lock disables preview Zoom Control Shipped presets Apply Preset button Save Preset button Load in presets Summary of Effect groups Sumamry of Outline Effect groups How It Works Main Blur popup Blur Type> None (NEW to v2. 5) Blur Type> Box Blur Blur Type> Gaussian Blur Blur Type> Supersmart Blur (NEW to v2. 5) Radius Threshold Quality popup 15 Effects Palette 16 Pre-Blur tab> Main Blur 17 Main Blur> Box & Gaussian controls 20 Main Blur> Supersmart controls How It Works Blurring (NEW to v2. 5) Test Radius (NEW to v2. 5) Blur Radius (NEW to v2. 5) 22 Pre-Blur tab> Outline Blur How It Works Use Outline Blur checkbox Outline Blur popup Blur Type> None (NEW to v2. 5) Blur Type> Box Blur Blur Type> Gaussian Blur Blur Type> Supersmart Blur (NEW to v2. 5) 25 © 2010, Digital Anarchy : revolutionary tools for photos | ToonIt! [. . . ] The stylization varies depending upon how you set up the Comic parameters. Use Comic checkbox Checking this activates the Soft Outline edge detection and its controls. This produces comic-book style edges that are hard edged and black and white. Comic turned on. Comic turned off. This removes the dark lines that are typically present. 46 © 2010, Digital Anarchy : revolutionary tools for photos | ToonIt!Photo 2. 5: Outline Effects Palette Sensitivity Determines how much detail will be picked up by the edge algorithm. Raising this will increase the amount of edge detail, adding in the color of Outline Color. Lowering the value considerably, like to 10 or 20%, may cause the parameter to have no effect. Raising the value to 100%, will saturate the image in the Outline Color because so much edge is added. The higher the Sensitivity, the denser the comic outlines will appear in the dark areas. For instance, in our example below, notice how the color of the woman's shirt changes with Color Sensitivity. The lines start filling in around the darker parts of the image as the value goes higher. Sensitivity at 80. Other params default. Sensitivity at 90. High Sensitivity levels can also produce strange artifacts as it picks up edges in gradients. This usually happens in darker regions where there isn't much detail. The artifacts look like squiggly lines in areas that clearly shouldn't have lines. Strength Determines how heavily the Comic lines are drawn. Generally Strength will make lines darker and thicker, while Sensitivity will cause more lines to appear. However, high Strength values will also cause more lines to appear and high Sensitivity values will make lines darker. It's usually at higher values where the functionality crosses over. 47 © 2010, Digital Anarchy : revolutionary tools for photos | ToonIt!Linotype/woodblock stylization. Thickness Sets how thick the Comic lines are drawn. This can have some interesting effects if you really crank up the value. You can start getting a brush painting or woodcut sort of look depending on other parameter settings. Comic Thickness at 1. Lines are a little thicker. Antialias A percentage slider for the final result antialiasing to help tone down any jagged edges. Transparency This sets the opacity level of the Comic effect. The lower the value, the more opaque they are. 48 © 2010, Digital Anarchy : revolutionary tools for photos | ToonIt!Photo 2. 5: Outline Effects Palette Quality popup Determines the quality of the Comic Outlines effect, or basically the amount of detail that is affected by any setting. [. . . ] 105 Offset at 100. © 2010, Digital Anarchy : revolutionary tools for photos | ToonIt!Photo 2. 5: Style Selector Poster Paint Style Poster Paint is like a Posterize effect with several important enhancements. Posterization is a generally less attractive way of creating a cartoon effect, as compared to the FlatShaded style. However, it does create a specific stylization, which might be what you're looking for. How It Works Poster Paint combines the results of two different posterize algorithms. [. . . ]