[. . . ] To purchase accessories, visit www. kodak. com/go/m1063accessories, To use an EasyShare dock, see its User guide. On 2 6 www. kodak. com/go/easysharecenter Keep learning about your camera! Congratulations!You have: · set up your camera · taken pictures · transferred pictures to your computer Keep learning!Finish reading this book, so you can take and share your best pictures!Visit www. kodak. com/go/m1063support and www. kodak. com/go/easysharecenter for: · the Extended user guide · interactive troubleshooting and repairs · interactive tutorials · FAQs · downloads · accessories · printing information · product registration www. kodak. com/go/m1063support 7 ENGLISH ENGLISH Front view 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shutter button Mode dial Flash button On/Off button Flash Self-timer/video light 7 8 9 Lens Speaker USB , for optional AC adapter 10 DC-In (5V) 11 Microphone 8 www. kodak. com/go/easysharecenter Back view 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 9 10 11 12 8 optional memory card (sold separately) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LCD Ready/Battery charging light Delete button Zoom button (Wide/Telephoto) OK button Strap post SD or SDHC memory card slot Battery compartment Share button Menu button Review button 13 Dock connector 14 Tripod socket www. kodak. com/go/m1063support 9 ENGLISH 1 Doing more with your camera Using optical zoom Use optical zoom to get up to 3X closer to your subject. [. . . ] Auto options: The camera includes the first and last frames, then 2, 7, or 14 equally spaced frames. Manual options: You choose the first and last frames; the camera chooses 2, 7, or 14 equally spaced frames. Running a slide show Use Slide Show to display your pictures/videos on the camera, a television, or any device equipped with a video input (see page 5). to highlight Begin Show, then press the OK button. www. kodak. com/go/easysharecenter To interrupt the Slide Show, press the OK button. Working with pictures/videos Running a multimedia slide show Multimedia Slide Show is similar to Slide Show, but also offers music and visual effects. 2 Press 3 Press to highlight Multimedia Slide Show, then press the OK button. to highlight a choice from the menu, then press the OK button. Selecting multiple pictures/videos Use the multi-select feature when you have two or more pictures/videos to print, transfer, delete, etc. (Multi-select is used most effectively in Multi-Up mode, page 18. ) 1 Press the Review button, then picture/video. to find a Selected pictures 2 Press the OK button to select pictures/videos. Kodak AC adapters and battery chargers are intended for indoor use only. The use of controls, adjustments, or procedures other than those specified herein may result in exposure to shock and/or electrical or mechanical hazards. I The use of an accessory that is not recommended by Kodak may cause fire, electric shock, or injury. I If using this product in an airplane, observe all instructions of the airline. I Read and follow all warnings and instructions supplied by the battery manufacturer. I Use only batteries approved for this product to avoid risk of explosion. Otherwise, a battery may short circuit, discharge energy, become hot, or leak. I Do not disassemble, install backward, or expose batteries to liquid, moisture, fire, or extreme temperature. I Remove the battery when the product is stored for an extended period of time. In the unlikely event that battery fluid leaks inside the product, contact Kodak customer support. I In the unlikely event that battery fluid leaks onto your skin, wash immediately with water and contact your local health provider. For additional health-related information, contact your local Kodak customer support. For more information on batteries, see www. kodak. com/go/batterytypes 24 www. kodak. com/go/easysharecenter Appendix Upgrading your software and firmware Download the latest versions of the software included on the Kodak EasyShare software CD and the camera firmware (the software that runs on the camera). Additional care and maintenance I If the camera has been subjected to inclement weather or you suspect water has gotten inside the camera, turn off the camera and remove the batteries and card. Allow components to air-dry for at least 24 hours before using the camera again. [. . . ] If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: 1) reorient or relocate the receiving antenna; 2) increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver; 3) connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected; 4) consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for additional suggestions. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Where shielded interface cables have been provided with the product or specified additional components or accessories elsewhere defined to be used with the installation of the product, they must be used in order to ensure compliance with FCC regulation. FCC and Industry Canada This device complies with Industry Canada RSS-210 and FCC Rules. [. . . ]