[. . . ] This is ideal for data drives that are getting full but contain data that is rarely accessed or modified. 3. They pack the data towards the outer tracks of our drive but it's usually an all inclusive affair so that a drive that is almost full still experiences drive fatigue since there is no "order" to the files and no preferential placement of frequently accessed files. However, with UltimateDefrag you have the option of the Archive and High Performance so that you still can get our High Performance Files to the outside tracks and Archive to the inner tracks. When our most and least important files are where you want them then what happens with the remaining files is not as important and they can just be consolidated. So if you have our High Performance requirements and Archive requirements in place then you can use this method to take care of the remainder of our files. [. . . ] So if you have our High Performance requirements and Archive requirements in place then you can use this method to take care of the remainder of our files. Files are sorted in no particular method but are defragged and consolidated ­ after the High Performance files. If you just wish to Consolidate - then the Archive option used in conjuction with this method vastly improves performance since about 80% of our files are archived. This then only leaves the drive to have to work through about 20% of our data when loading files. Defrags with Consolidate and Archive and Fast Archive are fast and usually completed within minutes. Last Access Times For any of its operations that refer to file access times, UltimateDefrag requires relatively accurate Last Access time stamps for our files. Last Access times are how it generally determines file usage frequency. For this purpose it is suggested that we have Last File Access time stamping enabled. Some programs and published Windows tweaks suggest that we disable it due to performance issues. In most circumstances the performance difference is unnoticeable however to get the performance increases that UltimateDefrag provides and for UltimateDefrag to function properly it is suggested that we enable it. To check whether Last Access Time Stamping is ON or OFF Go to the Command Prompt (Start => Run => cmd => Click on Ok) in Windows and type: FSUTIL BEHAVIOR QUERY DISABLELASTACCESS (then hit Enter) If it returns a value of 0 or "not set" then we do not need to do anything. A 2 or 3 Gb HDD can take as little as just a few minutes(10-15mins) if we are using the fast archive option and a regular consolidate defrag. What method should I use for my very first defrag run? We suggest that when you first run UltimateDefrag the very first thing you do is a simple Consolidate Defrag without respecting archive or high performance. This will at least get all of your files and consolidate them on the outer tracks. Some drives may have never been defragged and may be a "mess". It will be easier on UltimateDefrag (and any other defragger for that matter) to first do this consolidate method. Then after that is done then you can and should go ahead and create your "defragging system". Does UltimateDefrag defrag my MFT and Page Files? Your page file, hibernation file and several other system files are defragged using the Offline Defrag option. Select Enable Boot Time Defragmentation in the Tools=>Options menu. How often should I schedule defrags to run? That is entirely up to you however we DO NOT suggest that you run complete comprehensive defrags where ALL files are ordered on a daily basis. This will cause unnecessary wear and tear on your hard drive without much improvement benefit. We suggest that perhaps monthly or every two weeks you perform complete defrag that reorders your archived files and high performance files. Then, as often as you want ­ weekly, or even daily, you can run a Consolidate defrag that respects the archive, uses Fast Archival but does not respect your High Peformance settings. This way your archive files are out of the way and your High Performance files are still consolidated at the outer tracks of your drive. [. . . ] Then, as often as you want ­ weekly, or even daily, you can run a Consolidate defrag that respects the archive, uses Fast Archival but does not respect your High Peformance settings. This way your archive files are out of the way and your High Performance files are still consolidated at the outer tracks of your drive. If it is only one or two folders that you have selected for High Performance then you can go ahead and select Respect High Performance. Generally though, for a day to day defrag, just select consolidate but certainly Respect Archive and use Fast Archive. [. . . ]