[. . . ] TVH269 100 14 13 10 254 289 110 291 230 292 TVH269C/1 COD. ZSPP0039 Z00EL0180V01 Z00EL0145V01 ZSPP0358 ZSPP0038 Z00EL0230000 Z00EL0254000 Z00EL0289000 Z00EL0291600 Z00EL0292000 DESCRIPTION HI-LIGHT HEATING ELEMENT RC. DZ. 275/210 2400/1500W HI-LIGHT HEATING ELEMENT 180 1800W HI-LIGHT HEATING ELEMENT 145 FRAME + GLASS WIRING ACCESSORIES KIT HEATI. FIXIN HEATING ELEMENT FIXING BRACKET SEO 58+N04 HEATING TANK FOR SEO 58 CONTROL COVER SEO 58 1200W POSITION 10 13 14 100 110 230 254 289 291 292 TVH269H/1 COD. ZSPP0039 Z00EL0180V01 Z00EL0145V01 ZSPP0357 ZSPP0038 Z00EL0230000 Z00EL0254000 Z00EL0289000 Z00EL0291600 Z00EL0292000 DESCRIPTION HI-LIGHT HEATING ELEMENT RC. DZ. 275/210 2400/1500W HI-LIGHT HEATING ELEMENT 180 1800W HI-LIGHT HEATING ELEMENT 145 1200W POSITION 10 13 14 100 110 230 254 289 291 292 ASS A085584 VET PE 58 C O E1 T L AA NEL 00 WIRING ACCESSORIES KIT HEATI. [. . . ] Display The cooking surface is supplied with a display that in normal function is a "WARCH" and can also carry out the "COUNTDOWN" function when the surface is off. Regulation of the Watch In the installation phase set the clock in the following way: - Unblock the cooking surface by keeping the "key button" pressed down for 3 seconds until the "indicator light button" is switched off. - Press the buttons + or - under the display until it begins flashing. Countdown Function - Unblock the cooking surface by keeping the "key button" pressed down for 3 seconds until the "indicator light button" is switched off. - Press the "Timer" button until the writing "00" appears on the display. In the instance where an object is placed over the controls, the cook top will switch off and the auto-protection system will activate automatically, this occurs even in cases of liquid spills (water, milk, etc. ) over the controls zone. The commands keyboard has an internal temperature sensor that, in the case that the internal temperature reaches 90 (abnormal use conditions of the surface without pots) the surface will automatically enter in an automatic system of temperature limitation: switching itself off automatically. WARNING : when a cooking zone is switched off, the surface of the cook top has a very high and dangerous temperature level. The danger is highlighted by the fact that the "cooking zone display" will flicker until the temperature of the surface will not decrease to under 50C. THE MANUFACTURER DECLINES ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR EVENTUAL DAMAGES CAUSED BY BREACHING THE ABOVE WARNINGS. - 18 - CESKY POLSC VSEOBECN Pectte si pecliv obsah tohoto nvodu, nebo pins dlezit daje tkajc se bezpecn instalace, pouzit a drzby. Vsechny cinnosti tkajc se instalace/vmny (elektrick pipojen), mus bt vykonny pouze specializovanm personlem v souladu s platnmi normami. CZ SKLOKERAMICK VARN DESKA BYLY ODPOVDAJCM ZPSOBEM ODIZOLOVNY tak, aby teplo vydvan troubou, meno z prav strany pi okraji varn desky, nepeshlo 60C. Nedodrzen tohoto opaten mze mt za pcinu zvadu na fungovn systmu TOUCHCONTROL. UMSTN (obr. 1) Tento elektrospotebic mze bt zabudovan do kuchysk linky tak, jak je to zobrazeno na pslusnm obrzku. Elektrospotebic upevnte k pracovn desce prostednictvm 4 konzol z vybaven a mjte pitom na pamti tlousku pracovn desky (obr. 1A). Jestlize je doln cst pstroje po montzi pstupn z doln csti skky, je zapoteb namontovat dlc panel a udrzovat pitom vyznacen vzdlenosti (Obr. ELEKTRICK PIPOJEN (obr. 2) Ped vykonnm pipojen se pesvdcte, zda: - elektrovodic pro uzemn mus bt o 2 cm. dels, nez ostatn vodice; - vlastnosti elektrick st jsou takov, aby odpovdaly pozadavkm oznacenm na vrobnm sttku na svrchn stran pracovn desky; - je s vybavena vkonnm uzemnm, kter odpovd normm a pedpism danmi zkonem. V ppad, ze spotebic nen vybaven srou a/anebo pslusnou zstrckou, pouzijte materil odpovdajc proudvmu pkonu, jehoz hodnota je uvedena na vrobnm sttku a odpovdajc provozn teplot. Pokud si pejete pm pipojen k elektrick sti, je poteba vlozit vceplov spnac s minimlnm rozevenm kontakt 3 mm, kter by odpovdal ztzi uveden na vrobnm sttku a pozadavkm platnch norem (zlutozelen vodic uzemn nesm bt perusen pepnacem). Upozornn: Na zklad modelu, kter vlastnte, by elektronick karta mohla bt chrnna proti ppadnm chybm v zapojen do elektrickho rozvodu pojistkou, kter se nachz na samotn kart. V ppad jej vmny pouzijte pojistku se stejnmi technickmi daji. BEZPECNOSTN UPOZORNN Doporucujeme pouzit hrnc s plochm dnem a s prmrem, kter je stejn nebo o nco vts, nez prmr ohvac plochy. Nepouzvejte ndob s drsnm povrchem dna, aby nedoslo k poskrbn termickho povrchu varn desky (obr. 3). [. . . ] Timer (fig. 5) Denna spishll gr det mjligt att stlla in koktiden fr varje enskild kokyta. Timern gr det mjligt att stlla in koktiden (frn 1 till 99 minuter) och slr automatiskt av den valda kokytan. - Tryck in "Timer"-tangenten under 2 sekunder: mitt p displayen visas siffrorna "00" och till hger och vnster indikeras den kokyta som r aktiverad. - Vlj med intryckt "Timer"-tangent en av de aktiverade plattorna. [. . . ]