[. . . ] Hdd_dsa. txt 3 1/2-INCH 540 MB and 720 MB LOW PROFILE DISK DRIVES MODELS DSAA-3540, 3720 DSAS-3540, 3720 _______________ AN OEM OFFERING FROM IBM This family of drives brings IBM's industry-leading Magneto-Resistive head technology to the desktop computer marketplace, offering superior performance and outstanding reliability. [. . . ] These 3. 5" drives spin at 4500 RPM and operate at an average access time of 12 ms. The high linear recording density provides an outstanding minimum sustained data rate of 2. 5 MB/sec. Performance is further enhanced by a 128 KB segmented buffer (256 KB option) with write cache and read look-ahead. The drives are available with either ATA-2 (11. 1 MB/sec) or Fast SCSI-2 (10. 0 MB/sec) interfaces. The AT* drives support LBA mode and extended cylinder addressing in addition to low power dissipation, AT and SCSI power management commands for "Green PC" applications are also supported. QUALITY AND RELIABILITY In line with IBM's outstanding commitment to quality, reliability is again improved to over 300, 000 power-on hours MTBF. [. . . ] Copywrite International Business Machines Corporation 1994 * AT is a trademark and IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Page 3 [. . . ]