[. . . ] Under no circumstances must the cleaning fluid get into the equipment. The use of other cleaning agents may attack the plastic and paint surface. Safety/Preventative Maintenance The equipment operates according to safety Class 1 (three-conductor power cord with protective earth contact). The mains/line plug shall only be inserted into a socket outlet protected with a protective earth contact. [. . . ] The warmth of the diathermy makes the tissues surrounding the dermal papilla more porous, this allows the caustic lye to diffuse into it, making the treatment much more thorough. Contra Indications: Exactly the same for diathermy and other galvanic treatments with the addition of the following: 1. Treatment: The setting at which the hair will epilate depends on the moisture present in the lower follicle and what is suitable for one client may be too high or too low for another. When using the Blend it should be noted that mostly, the diathermy/Thermolysis setting achieves adequate `warming' on the lower setting of 4. However, there are occasions where the Thermolysis will need to be set higher to a maximum of 12. These circumstances include where the hair is strong and coarse and where the client's skin is cold and therefore may require more warming in order to achieve successful epilation. It is advised that the Thermolysis intensity should be increased by 1 or 2 digits at a time. Treatment Techniques With the Sterex SX-B Blend epilator there are four main treatment techniques that are available and also a combination of those four to enable you to tailor the treatment to suit the client. Treatment Technique Number 1 1. Give your client the indifferent electrode to hold, you may wrap a damp tissue around it if your clients hands are dry. It is preferable your client is wearing the least amount of jewellery possible. Seat yourself comfortably, and ensure you have easy access to the footswitch. Use Sterex needles appropriate to the size and length of the follicle. Switch on the SX-B at the back of the epilator ensuring there is nothing in the way of the fan underneath, i. e. Switch on the Thermolysis/diathermy, Galvanic and timer sections, the digital readouts will register 01 or 00. To alter the Thermolysis/diathermy intensity, depress the foot pedal and using the slow up button increase to 04. Do not be concerned if the numbers fluctuate up or down a number this is normal with digital readouts it does not mean the current is fluctuating. To alter the Galvanic intensity, depress the foot pedal and using the slow up button increase to . 15. When you remove your foot from the foot pedal the digital readouts for the currents will go back to 00 or 01. Insert the needle into a typical follicle in the area you wish to treat and depress the foot pedal. When you hear the "beep", after 5 seconds, remove your foot from the foot pedal and then remove the needle from the follicle. Test the hair to see if it will remove, if not check the client's level of sensation and increase the Galvanic current. If they feel nothing increase by 10 digits, if they can feel something increase by 5 digits. Increase the Galvanic in this manner a follicle at a time until you have reached the working point then record it on the clients record card. [. . . ] Remove the chuck cap from the needle holder and place the exposed metal chuck against the metal needle holder attachment on the machine. If green light comes on during tests and the Galvanic has a read out, then the Galvanic current is flowing. If there is no green light the needle holder lead is faulty and needs replacing. If the green light fluctuates there is an intermittent fault and it needs to be replaced. [. . . ]