[. . . ] KL-7000 Owner's manual Introduction Congratulations on your selection of the CASIO KL-7000 Label Printer. The CASIO Label Printer makes it possible for you to print adhesive labels for a wide variety of applications such as name tags, cassette tape labels, floppy disks, binders, and other applications. You can produce attractive original labels thanks to such features as: · · · · · · Variable tape sizes (6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 18mm) Two fonts (serif, sans-serif) Four character styles (normal, outline, shadow, raised) Various effects Illustrations Quick formats and preset layouts You can even store data in memory for instant recall when you need it. All of this makes the CASIO Label Printer the perfect tool for just about all of your labeling needs! Important! [. . . ] · Since "A" is the first character, you can make the cursor jump directly there by pressing FUNC and then H. Press SET and the letter at the cursor location becomes highlighted. FUNC SHIFT CODE VERT MIROR OVER CAPS Yes SET No ESC TO? Z Comp 6. Use H and J to move the cursor to the other end of the range to which you want to assign the effect. · The text that will be assigned the effect is highlighted as you move the cursor. When all the characters to which you want to assign the effects are highlighted, press SET to assign the effects and return to the text input screen. · Note that the characters on the display are shaded. FUNC SHIFT CODE VERT MIROR OVER 22 13 4cm ABXYZ Important!· When using the box effect with two lines of text, the result you get depends on how you select the text. ABXYZ B Computer Company If you assign the box effect to "ABXYZ" and "Computer Company" separately, you get the following result. ABXYZ Computer Company If you assign the box effect to the entire text (From "A" to "y"), you get the following result. ABXYZ Computer Company To remove text effects Example: To remove the shading from "ABXYZ" in the following text. ABXYZ Computer Company Note · The following operation removes all effects assigned to the text you specify. Use L to highlight CANCEL, and then press SET. FUNC SHIFT CODE VERT MIROR OVER CAPS Yes SET No ESC FROM? ABXYZ 3. Use H and J to move the cursor to the point from which you want to remove effects. Use H and J to move the cursor to the other end of the range from which you want to remove the effects. When all the characters from which you want to remove effects are highlighted, press SET to remove the effects and return to the text input screen. 36 Part 6 FORM Menu Functions This part of the manual describes how to use the FORM menu to layout your text exactly the way you want it on the label. With the FORM menu, you can control character pitch, text blocks, text alignment, and a wide range of other features. Fundamentals of Label Layout Before we actually begin our discussion about how to layout a tape, we should first define a few terms. Note the following illustration. Label Length Print Area ABCD EFGH IJKLMN QRS TU VWZYZ Side space Blocks Side space · Blocks A block is text that is enclosed between two block marks ( ). Note that the first (far left) block does not require a block mark at the beginning, and the last (far right) block does not require a block mark at the end. If there are no block marks, all of the text is treated as a single block. You can individually specify the length of each block, as well as the pitch and the number of lines inside each block. · Print Area The print area is the actual area of a label that contains printed text. It starts with the left side of the first character printed, and ends with the right side of the last character printed. · Side Spaces The side spaces are blank areas that the Label Printer automatically adds on either end of the print area. Note that side spaces are only added when you are using auto feed, and they are not added when using manual feed (see "Auto Feed"). [. . . ] · Reduce the size of the data you are trying to store or delete data already stored to make room for the new data. · Use a different name or delete the data in memory this is under the same name. · Use H and J to move the cursor to the starting point and press SET to specify it. · Proceed with the opera-tion (and clear the text), or press ESC to abort without clearing anything. [. . . ]