[. . . ] DellTM Photo All-In-One Printer 942 Owner's Manual Look Inside For: · Ordering Supplies · Getting Started · Using the Printer · Understanding the Printer Software · Maintenance and Troubleshooting w w w. c o m Ordering Supplies Your Dell Photo AIO Printer 942 includes software installed to detect the ink levels in the printer. During a print job, a screen appears on your computer to warn you of low ink levels. You can order ink online at www. dell. com/supplies or by phone. US Australia Austria Belgium Canada Chile Chile Colombia Denmark Finland France Germany Ireland Italy 877-INK-2-YOU 1300 303 290 08 20 - 24 05 30 35 02. 713 1590 1-877-501-4803 800-202874 1230-020-3947 01800-9-155676 3287 5215 09 2533 1411 825387247 0800 2873355 1850 707 407 800602705 Japan Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Netherlands Norway Portugal PRC Puerto Rico Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland UK 044-556-3551 02. 713 1590 1800 88 0301 866-851-1754 020 - 674 4881 231622 64 21 4220710 800-858-2920 866-851-1760 1800 394 7486 902120385 08 587 705 81 0848 335 599 0870 907 4574 NOTE: If your country is not listed, contact your Dell distributor to order supplies. Your printer has been designed to print using the following ink cartridges. Supply Item Part number Standard Capacity black ink cartridge Standard Capacity color ink cartridge High Capacity black ink cartridge High Capacity color ink cartridge Photo ink cartridge J5566 J5567 M4640 M4646 J4844 Notes, Notices, and Cautions NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your printer. [. . . ] The number of copies and the photo size are displayed below the photo on the display. To change the number of copies: a b c Press the Number of Copies button on the operator panel. Press the left or right arrow on the navigation button to specify the number of copies. Press the Select button. To resize the photo: a b c Press the Resize button on the operator panel. Press the left or right arrow on the navigation button to specify the photo size. Press the Select button. 50 Using the Printer To rotate the photo: a b c Press the Menu button. Press the down arrow on the navigation button to scroll to Rotate 90 degrees. Press the Select button. To preview the photo before you print, press the Preview button. 4 Press the Color button to print the photos in color or press the Black button to print the photos in black and white. Saving Photos to Your Computer 1 2 3 4 5 6 From the I Want To. . . menu on the display, scroll to Save to Computer, and then press the Select button on the operator panel. Press the left or right arrow on the navigation button to scroll through the photos on the media card or in the digital camera. In the Memory Card Manager, verify that the photos you want to save are selected, and then click Next. Browse to the folder in which you want to save your photos and make any changes to the Save/Launch Options, and then click Next. The photos are saved to your computer. Viewing a Slide Show From the I Want To. . . menu on the display, scroll to Slide Show, and then press the Select button on the operator panel. The printer displays each photo on the media card or digital camera. Printing All Photos on Media Card From the I Want To. . . menu on the display, scroll to Print All x Photos, and then press the Select button on the operator panel. The printer prints all the photos on the media card or digital camera. Using the Printer 51 w w w. com 52 Using the Printer 3 Understanding the Printer Software The printer software includes: · · · · · · Dell Printer Solution Center -- Provides maintenance and troubleshooting help, basic usage information, and how-to's for creating projects. Dell All-In-One Center -- Allows you to perform various scan, copy, fax, and print operations with newly scanned and previously saved documents and images. Dell Picture Studio v2. 0 -- Allows you to manage, edit, display, print, and convert photos and other types of images. Memory Card Manager -- Allows you to display, manage, edit, print, and save photos to your computer. Ink Management -- Warns you when your printer is running low on ink. Using the Dell Printer Solution Center Understanding the Printer Software 53 w w w. [. . . ] Upon termination, you agree that the Software and accompanying materials, and all copies thereof, will be destroyed. If a provision is found to be unenforceable, this finding does not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions, terms, or conditions of this agreement. Dell agrees and you agree to waive, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any right to a jury trial with respect to the Software or this agreement. Because this waiver may not be effective in some jurisdictions, this waiver may not apply to you. [. . . ]