[. . . ] Boris XML Transfer 2. 0. 0 April 15 2010 Release Notes Please visit our web site at www. borisfx. com for complete detailed information regarding the new filters and features that are included in this product release. [. . . ] · Fixed Drag and Drop function for XML files for both CS4 and CS5 ­ in the previous version of the software, dropping an exported XML file onto AE failed to generate an action. This has been fixed, and AE now accepts the dragged and dropped XML file as expected. · Fixed several problems with Constant Speed on untrimmed clips. Use of the Constant Speed effect in FCP now yields the expected result when the sequence is transferred into AE. Registration and Technical Support Make sure to register your product in order to receive the latest technical and upgrade information. Registered users are often eligible to download free filters from the Boris FX website. [. . . ] Contacting Technical Support For technical support, contact Boris Continuum Complete AVX technical support specialists: web: http://www. borisfx. com/support/ e-mail: support@borisfx. com [. . . ]