[. . . ] Before attempting to install or operate your Humminbird LCR, it is recommended that you read the operations manual thoroughly. The LCR is totally new concept in sonar and has a number of special features not found on any other recorder. To completely understand all the features of the LCR, we suggest you follow the instructions set forth in this manual. If, after reading the instructions, there is something you do not completely understand about the operations of your unit, we recommend you contact our Customer Service Department- CALL 334-687-0503. [. . . ] In Figure 12 the depth scale is being changed from the 0 to 30 foot scale to the 0 to 60 foot scale. Note that the display was changed to show the entire screen on the 0 to 60 foot scale. Note that the display was change to show the entire screen on the 0 to 60 foot scale. This Total Screen Update feature works when changing to shallower scales, too. For example, suppose you are in the 0-480 foot scale but the bottom depth is only 10 feet. When you change to the 3 to 30 foot scale, the entire screen will look just as if you had gone over the area on the 3 to 30 foot scale. The other way that you will use the Total Screen Update is in operating the LCR3000's Zoom. Since the computer has stored in memory information for 0 to 480 feet in very small increments, you will be able to recall this information from memory to get an expanded view of areas which you have already passed over. For example, if you go over some interesting structure or fish, you will be able to zoom in for a closer look without going back over the area. Simply activate the zoom and the information that is stored in memory will be recalled and displayed on the screen. The operation of the zoom function is explained in a later section. OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTION FOR LCR3000 The hummingbird LCR3000 will operate fully automatic or manual at the discretion of the operator. At the heart of the LCR3000 is a microcomputer which is making thousands of decisions every second. With the LCR3000's automatic features you will quickly and easily learn the basics of operating your unit and after a couple of the trips on the water you'll be operation the LCR3000 like an expert. It is suggested that you familiarize yourself with each of the features and controls prior to operating your LCR3000. In the automatic mode, the unit will find the bottom by varying the sensitivity and selecting the proper depth range for a satisfactory return. Also, the display below the bottom is blacked out to make the display easier to read. Depth: In the automatic mode, the proper depth ranged is found as soon as the unit is turn on. As you move into deeper water and the bottom goes off the screen, the next deeper depth range will automatically be activated. Also, as water becomes shallower (when bottom is about 10 dots from the top of screen) the depth range will automatically change to the next shallower scale. You may manually change the range by depressing the depth "set" button. Each time this button is depressed, the range is decreased by one setting. Note: Should you attempt to change to a depth scale which is less than the actual bottom depth, the computer will automatically change the depth scale back to the proper position. [. . . ] A transducer cannot work properly in air or through air bubbles in the water. TROUBLE SHOOTING: In very shallow water, the bottom reading might have gaps or the scale might change to the 0-120 foot scale. The automatic mode cannot "lock" onto the bottom in very shallow water. Step 2 Still moving at a slow speed, begin going toward deeper water. You will see that the LCR will display changes as small as 6 inches on the 0-15 foot scale. [. . . ]