[. . . ] A flash fired into the eyes of a person or animal at close range may damage the retina and lead to severe visual disorders, including blindness! Only use the approved power sources listed in the Operating Instructions! Do not expose batteries to excessive heat sources such as sunshine or fire! Dead batteries should be removed from the flash unit immediately, as lye leaking from dead batteries can damage the flash unit. [. . . ] There is no adjustment or display for automatic TTL fill-in flash on the flash unit in this instance. Lightly depress the camera shutter to allow the data transfer between camera and flash unit. This function must be configured on the camera, see camera operating instructions. the automatic flash in most cameras is set to 25% reflectance (average reflectance of flash subject). A dark background which absorbs a lot of light or a light background which is heavily reflective (e. To compensate for the above effect, the flash output can be adjusted manually with the correction value of the shot. The correction value is based on the contrast between the subject and the background. Hint: A dark subject in front of a light background = positive correction value. A light subject in front of a dark background = negative correction value. Exposure correction through alteration of the lens aperture is not possible, as the camera's automatic exposure views the altered aperture as the normal working one. Manual flash exposure correction in TTL flash modes can only take place if the camera supports this feature (see camera operating instructions). To avoid colour cast in your shots, the reflective surface should be colour-neutral or white. Modelling light is only possible if the function is integrated into the camera. Modelling light allows you to evaluate light distribution and shadow prior to the shot. When tilting the main reflector vertically, make sure that it is turned through an angle that is wide enough to prevent direct light from falling on the subject. For this reason the reflector should be tilted at least as far as the 60° lock-in position. Flash ranges do not appear on the display when the main reflector is turned!When the reflector head is tilted, the main reflector is moved to a position of greater/equal 70 mm in order to prevent the subject from being additionally illuminated by dispersed light. 2 Bounce flash with a reflector card The use of bounce flash with the integrated reflector card can bring out highlights in the eyes of human subjects: · Pull the reflector card together with the wide-angle diffuser from above out of the reflector head and forwards. Hold the reflector card and push the wide-angle diffuser back into the reflector head. Depending on the camera model and camera mode, the shutter speed is switched to flash sync speed when flash readiness is reached (see the camera's operating instructions). Shutter speeds cannot be set faster than the flash sync speed, or they are switched automatically to the flash sync speed. [. . . ] If the flash unit does not function as it should, switch it off for approx. The flash unit should function normally again once it is switched back on. Below is a list of some of the problems that may occur when the flash unit is used. For each item, possible causes and remedies for the problem are listed. [. . . ]