[. . . ] PAYLOAD ADAPTERS_ The EELV Secondary Payload Adapter The ESPA Ring allows six secondary satellites, up to 400 pounds (180 kg) each, to share a ride to space on Delta IV or Atlas V launch vehicles with a large primary satellite. [. . . ] ESPA can also serve as the structural hub of a satellite or free flyer. ESPA's flight heritage includes two missions that demonstrate its broad capabilities: ESPA · The Air Force's STP-1 mission delivered multiple small satellites as well as DARPA's Orbital Express primary mission on an Atlas V. · NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) were launched using a single ESPA ring. ESPA supported LRO and was the spacecraft hub for the LCROSS shepherding satellite, where it served as a mounting platform for science instru ments and spacecraft components. Designed for Atlas V and Delta IV, the versatile ESPA is also compatible with Falcon 9 and Taurus II. ESPA FEATURES_ ESPA FEATURES_ Adaptable to Different Payloads and Launch Vehicles ESPA's baseline is a six-port satellite carrier for EELV, but it is compatible with Falcon 9 and Taurus II. [. . . ] It formed the core structure of the successful LCROSS mission and is at the heart of the Air Force Research Laboratory's Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) mission. ESPA 6U Mount (ESPA SUM) When ESPA Ring interior volume is available, ESPA SUM provides an additional capacity for CubeSats or other nanosats behind a 15-inch port, including a pair of 3U packages or a single 6U satellite. SoftRide Load Alleviation For shock and vibration mitigation, ESPA's standard ports accommodate ShockRing and other SoftRide solutions tailored for particular payloads, including those on STP-1 and DSX. 2565 Leghorn Street, Mountain View, CA 94043-1613 USA +1. 650. 210. 9000 Fax: +1. 650. 210. 9001 www. moog-csa. com Form 500-705 0710 [. . . ]