[. . . ] [. . . ] dreamGEAR's Power Bricks rechargeable batteries for the Xbox 360 offer convenient and economical power for your Xbox 360 wireless controller. Now you don't have to worry about if your battery pack is losing power. If you notice your battery pack losing power, simply take it out and slide in a fully charged dreamGEAR Power Bricks! Xbox 360 Wireless Controller not included · Compatible with Xbox 360 wireless controller · High quality battery provides up to 18 hours of play time · Bilingual (English & Spanish) packaging QUANTITY SINGLE WIDTH(in. ) HEIGHT(in. ) DEPTH(in. ) CUBE (ft 3 ) WEIGHT(lbs. ) UPC NUMBER 1 QUANTITY 5. 75 LENGTH(in. ) 8 WIDTH(in. ) 2. 5 HEIGHT(in. ) 0. 07 CUBE (ft 3 ) 0. 40 WEIGHT(lbs. ) 8 37742 00278 4 UPC NUMBER MASTER INNER 16 4 13 9 9. 75 6. 25 17. 75 8. 5 1. 30 0. 28 8. 45 1. 85 8 37742 00278 4 8 37742 00278 4 20001 S. Western Avenue, Torrance CA 90501 · www. dreamgear. net · phone 310. 222. 5522 · fax 310. 222. 5577 [. . . ] [. . . ]