[. . . ] [. . . ] With its suction cup base for stability and rubberized grip steering wheel, it has the comfort you'll need for the long haul. With the ability to shift from wide to narrow control modes and 3 different function settings, you'll be able to customize your drive for each new track. So take your game to the next level with the dreamPRIX XL Turbo Racing Wheel! Mode Select Button Suction Cup Bottom · Analog and digital control · Rumble compatible · Rubberized wheel grips · Wide & Narrow Turn Control · 5 Bit acceleration LED display · 3 playing modes: dreamPRIX, Analog, and Digital QUANTITY SINGLE WIDTH(in. ) HEIGHT(in. ) DEPTH(in. ) CUBE (ft 3) WEIGHT(lbs. ) UPC NUMBER 1 QUANTITY 8. 75 LENGTH(in. ) 7. 75 WIDTH(in. ) 8 HEIGHT(in. ) 0. 31 CUBE (ft 3) 1. 90 WEIGHT(lbs. ) 8 37742 00430 6 UPC NUMBER MASTER INNER 6 24. 25 18. 5 9 2. 34 14. 05 8 37742 00430 6 20001 S. Western Avenue, Torrance CA 90501 · www. dreamgear. net · phone 310. 222. 5522 · fax 310. 222. 5577 [. . . ] [. . . ]