[. . . ] Motorola iDEN Digital Multi-service Data-capable Phone i305 Phone User's Guide @NNTN4781A@ NNTN4781A IMPORTANT NOTICE: PLEASE READ PRIOR TO USING YOUR PHONE The SIM card provided in this kit is intended for use with the phone provided in this package. Loss of certain features will result when using a SIM card from one of the following models: i30sx, i35s, i50sx, i55sr, i58sx, i60c, i80s, i85s, i88s, i90c, i95cl series, and the i2000 series. For more information on SIM card compatibility, go to www. motorola. com/iden/support. Contents Getting Started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Creating Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Storing Numbers Faster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] When your approximate location is determined, it is made available to the appropriate emergency response center. In some cases, your local 911 emergency response center may not be equipped to receive GPS location information. For this reason, and because the GPS location information reported is only approximate or may not be available in your location (see "IMPORTANT: Things to Keep in Mind" on page 51), always report your location to the 911 operator you speak to when making an emergency call, if able, just as you would when using a phone without GPS capabilities. Note: If you are concerned about whether your local 911 emergency response center is equipped to receive GPS location information, contact your local authorities. In general, if your phone has access to signals from more GPS satellites, your location will be determined faster and more accurately than if your phone has access to signals from fewer GPS satellites. If your phone does not have adequate access to GPS satellites signals, the location of the nearest cell tower in contact with your phone is automatically made available to the emergency response center, if the center has the capability to receive such information. See "Enhancing GPS Performance" on page 54 for information on how to help your phone determine your location. Viewing Your Approximate Location 1 From the main menu, select GPS > Position. This displays the following information about the last time your location was calculated: · The time (as Greenwich Mean Time) and date that the location was last calculated. · The approximate location, expressed as latitude and longitude. This estimate of accuracy is only a very rough estimate and may vary substantially from the actual accuracy of the approximate location information reported. 53 GPS Enabled · The number of satellites used to calculate the location. It may take your phone several minutes to complete the process of determining your location. During this time, a message usually appears on your phone's display saying your phone is scanning for satellites. For tips on getting the best location calculation, see "Enhancing GPS Performance". To cancel a location calculation before it is completed: Press A under Cancel to return to the Position screen. Each time approximate location of your phone is calculated, the latest location information is stored in your phone and remains there even when your phone is powered off. You will see this information the next time you view the Position screen. If you received a phone call or alert while attempting to determine your location, the Position screen will disappear, but your phone will continue attempting to determine its location. If it is successful, the new location information will be displayed the next time you view the Position screen. Enhancing GPS Performance Sometimes the GPS feature of your phone may be unable to complete a location calculation successfully. If this happens when you are making an emergency call, the location of the nearest cell tower in contact with your phone is made available to the appropriate emergency response center if the center has the capability to receive such information. If this happens when you are trying to view your location on the phone's display, you will see a message indicating that your phone cannot access satellites. To improve accuracy and increase your chances of a successful calculation, do the following while your phone is determining your approximate location: 54 Updating Satellite Almanac Data · Stay in the open. The GPS feature works best where there is nothing between your phone and a large amount of open sky. [. . . ] T9® Text Input Patent and Trademark Information This product is covered by U. S. All other product names or services mentioned in this manual are the property of their respective trademark owners. Software Copyright Notice The Motorola products described in this manual may include copyrighted Motorola and third party software stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola and third party software providers certain exclusive rights for copyrighted software, such as the exclusive rights to distribute or reproduce the copyrighted software. [. . . ]