[. . . ] Step 1 Checking the Package Contents Make sure you have received the following items in the package. If any of these items are missing or damaged, contact the Uniden Parts Department. · Base unit · Handset · AC adapter · Rechargeable battery · Telephone cord · Beltclip · This owner's manual Uniden Parts Department at (800) 554-3988 Hours: M-F 8:00 a. m. We can also be reached on the web at www. uniden. com Step 4 Setting Display Options D Plug the AC adapter cord into the base unit and then into a 120V AC outlet. QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Note: Three Caller ID options are available: AutoTalk, Caller ID on Call Waiting (CIDCW), and Area Code. E Place the handset in the base and charge continuously for 15 - 20 hours before using the phone. TO SET CALLER ID, LANGUAGE AND DIALING OPTIONS A B Press and hold the cid/menu key in the standby mode. [. . . ] · If a call comes in via a telephone system that does not offer Caller ID service, no information is stored. · Each message can be up to 15 characters for the phone number and the name. · The number of calls from the same Caller ID appears next to the received time. Once you view the new message, the number will be cleared and disappear. ¨. Viewing the Caller ID Message List The Caller ID list stores information for up to 30 incoming calls - even unanswered calls. or vol/ring/ 2) Press the vol/ring/ latest or oldest Caller ID message. 3) Press the vol/ring/ press the vol/ring/ key to display the Caller ID New :01 Total:02 5/17 12:30PM 03 Jane Smith 214-555-1234 key to see the next message. Or key to see the previous message. 4) Press the end key to returns to standby mode. [ 34 ] C A L L E R I D F E AT U R E S www. uniden. com Deleting Information from the Caller ID List The cordless phone stores up to 30 messages (Caller ID names/numbers). If the phone receives the 31st message, the oldest one in the list is automatically deleted. Caller ID data can also be deleted manually. Deleting a Caller ID message 1) Press the cid/menu key in the standby mode. Display the message to be deleted from the Caller ID list by pressing the vol/ring/ or vol/ring/ key. 3) Press the vol/ring/ or vol/ring/ 5/17 12:30PM 03 Jane Smith 214-555-1234 Delete Message?Yes No · While using the ¨Delete All?¨ or ¨Delete Message?¨ screen if no key is pressed for more than 30 seconds, an error tone sounds and the handset returns to standby mode. · If you get an incoming call or page, the deleting operation is canceled and you can answer the call or page. CALLER ID FEATURES key to select ¨Yes¨ or ¨No¨. 4) Press the select or delete/ch key. When the pointer is at ¨Yes¨: You hear a confirmation tone and the Caller ID message is deleted. When the pointer is at ¨No¨: The display returns to the Caller ID message. Deleting all Caller ID names/numbers 1) Press the cid/menu key in the standby mode. 2) Press the delete/ch key. www. uniden. com Caller ID New :01 Total:02 C A L L E R I D F E AT U R E S [ 35 ] 3) Press the vol/ring/ or ¨No¨. or vol/ring/ key to select ¨Yes¨ Delete All?When the pointer is at ¨Yes¨: You hear a confirmation tone and all stored Caller ID messages are deleted. When the pointer is at ¨No¨: The display returns to the summary screen. Caller ID Total:00 Caller ID New :01 Total:02 [ 36 ] C A L L E R I D F E AT U R E S www. uniden. com Using the Caller ID List Calling a party from the Caller ID list You can place a call from the Caller ID list. The cordless phone stores up to 30 messages (Caller ID names/numbers). Select the phone number that you want to dial by pressing the vol/ring/ or vol/ring/ key. The displayed phone number dials automatically. 5/17 12:30PM 03 Jane Smith 214-555-1234 Talk 2145551234 You can place a call from Talk Mode. [. . . ] WARRANTOR: UNIDEN AMERICA CORPORATION ("Uniden") ELEMENTS OF WARRANTY: Uniden warrants, for one year, to the original retail owner, this Uniden Product to be free from defects in materials and craftsmanship with only the limitations or exclusions set out below. Installation Considerations Selecting a Location Before choosing a location for your new phone, there are some [ 46 ] A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M AT I O N www. uniden. com I. C. Notice TERMINAL EQUIPMENT NOTICE: This equipment meets the applicable Industry Canada Terminal Equipment Technical Specifications. The abbreviation, IC, before the registration number signifies that registration was performed based on a Declaration of Conformity indicating that Industry Canada technical specifications were met. NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this terminal equipment is marked on the equipment itself. [. . . ]