[. . . ] Installation and User's Guide iPAQTM BlackBerryTM W1000 Handheld Installation and User's Guide Last revised 22/08/00 Part Number: MAT-03088-001 Rev. 001 Printed in Canada At the time of printing, documentation complies with versions: Operating System 2. 0. 13, Applications 2. 0, and Desktop 2. 0. RIM, the RIM logo, Research In Motion, BlackBerry, BlackBerry Exchange Edition, the BlackBerry logo, the "envelope in motion" symbol and `Always On, Always Connected' are trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. Puma Technology, the Puma Technology logo, DSX Technology, the DSX Technology logo, Intellisync, the Intellisync logo and Intellisync Ready logo are trademarks of Puma Technology, Inc. [. . . ] While composing a message in the To: screen, click the trackwheel to view the menu. Scroll to Save Message and click. 3. The Messages screen appears. An icon beside the message indicates that the message is saved but has not been sent. The message you save while composing is saved in the Messages screen, not in the Saved Messages screen. To resume composing, scroll to the saved message and click to view the menu. The saved message opens and you can resume composing. 4. Installation and User's Guide 100 Managing messages -- Searching messages 5. When you've finished composing, click the trackwheel to view the menu. Choose to save again or to send the message. Searching messages Use the handheld's search function to locate specific messages. You can specify and save the terms of several searches and use them at any time. Note You can also search for messages while in the Messages and Saved Messages screens. You do not need to complete all the fields in the Search Messages screen. The more fields you complete, the more narrow the search will be. To perform a search 1. In the Name, Subject, or Message fields, type the keywords for which you want to search. Note If you forget an exact spelling, you can search for a name stored in your Address Book while still in the Search Messages function. With your cursor in the Name field, click the trackwheel to view the menu. In the Address Book screen, select the name for which you would like to search. You return to the Search Messages screen with your selected name in the Name field. 2. Installation and User's Guide Managing messages -- Searching messages 101 3. In the In field, press the SPACE key to select where you want to search for the name that you have entered. Choose from From field, Any Address Field, To field, Cc field, or Bcc field. 4. Select the folder in which you want to search for messages. The Select Folder screen appears, listing the top level structure of your folders. Continue opening folders until you find the one in which you want to search, then click to view the menu. Note Folders which contain subfolders are marked with a file folder icon with a `+' inside of it. Selecting a very specific folder greatly limits the scope of your search. If you are at the lowest level folder and want to move up to broaden your search, click to view the menu. [. . . ] In the unlikely event that your Compaq product has a reoccurring failure, Compaq, at its discretion, may elect to replace your Hardware with a comparable replacement. 184 LIMITED WARRANTY Before returning any unit for service, be sure to back up data and remove any confidential, proprietary or personal information. Compaq is not responsible for damage to or loss of any programs, data, or removable storage media. This Limited Warranty does not extend to any product that has been damaged or rendered defective (a) as a result of accident, misuse, or abuse; (b) as a result of an act of Nature; (c) by operation outside the usage parameters stated in the user documentation that shipped with the product; (d) by the use of parts not manufactured or sold by Compaq; (e) by modification of the product; or (f) as a result of service by anyone other than Compaq or a Compaq authorized service provider except for End-User Replaceable Parts, if available for your product in the servicing country. Limitations of Remedy Compaq is not liable for any damages caused by the product or the failure of the product to perform, including any lost profits, lost savings, incidental damages, or consequential damages. [. . . ]