[. . . ] If you find any defective or missing parts, contact your local dealer or our Kyosho Distributor. OeFirst-time fliers should seek advice on pre-flight adjustments and assembly from experienced fliers. Remember that flying a badly assembled or badly adjusted aircraft is very dangerous! [. . . ] OeIn the beginning, first-time fliers should always be assisted by an experienced flier and never fly alone!Installing a powerful motor or engine, or flying this model aggressively may lead to serious damage and accidents!This model requires a minimum 4-channel radio control system (with 2 micro servos and 1 speed control amp (electronic speed controller) for aircraft. L Read instruction manual supplied with radio control system thoroughly before use. Always set the servos at their neutral position before installing the servos. @ The servo's reach their neutral position automatically when connected accor di ng t o t he drawing below and the transmitter/receiver switches are turned ON. B If necessary, move Receiver or Speed Control Amp to get correct C of G (center of gravity). O i I f t he C of G i s i ncor r ect , you m l ose cont r ol of your ai r pl ane and cr ash. When propeller stops, decide your landing approach based on wind direction and landing area. [ Turn wide with the wind, Landing Course and then land into the wind. [ O f l yi ng i nt o t he w nd, use t he r udder t o nce i st op any l ef t / r i ght l ean. [ --¤ Once horizontal, land the plane without using the elevator, keeping the plane horizontal with the rudder. B From about 1m off the ground use elevator to land plane horizontally. B For next flight, check that no screws have loosened and replace any scratched or damaged parts. When not flying, disconnect battery connector and remove battery from plane. J , K ^ Do not use with damaged or broken parts (may result in accidents or injury). [. . . ] When not flying, disconnect battery connector and remove battery from plane. J , K ^ Do not use with damaged or broken parts (may result in accidents or injury). Do not allow people watching to get too close to a rotating propeller. [. . . ]