[. . . ] The aim of the SPORT-ELEC Body Control 4 is the following: to refine your silhouette by acting on the muscular masses (waist, Abs, butt muscles, thighs, and legs). The frequencies and impulsions width of each programme have been defined to meet perfectly everybody's requirements : · Work the muscle gently and facilitate its recovery after an effort · improve the firmness of tissues · Reshape the silhouette In conclusion, according to our activity, some muscles are more or less developed, the others atrophy on the contrary. SPORT-ELEC Body Control 4 allows activating the set of muscles without any effort from you. [. . . ] If no accessory is in touch with the body, the power cannot be emitted. If the batteries are "weak", two segments (the 6th segment) blink (scheme page 3). If the batteries are "used", two segments (the 10th segment) blink (scheme page 3). A short press on the " " key puts the device under or off power. Every time under power, the device makes an auto-test on 11 essential parameters at the level of the safety of its operation. During the auto-test segments and pictograms are lit during 0, 5 second. In this case, stop the device by pressing the " " key and then press shortly the " " key again. STEP 4 - Choice of a program "P" It is enough to make one or several presses on the "P" key, the programs ravel. As soon as a program is selected, corresponding pictogram lights (see page 3). Once the program is chosen, you can start it by increasing the power on the only of power keys "+". STEP 6 - Adjustment the power You have 30 levels from 0 to 30 to adjust the power (there are three power levels between two segments). To stop the device in the course of program, you just have to turn 2 power keys to zero or to press the " key. 5 - Upper trapezius A - Pectoral muscles 6 - Middle trapezius 1 - Major pectoral a - Do not place electrodes in the C - Biceps 7 - Biceps longitudinal heart region 8 - Biceps transversal b - Heart D/E - Back and buttocks A - Shoulders 9 - Main back muscles 2 - Middle deltoid 10 - Main gluteal muscles 3 - Front F/G - Abdominal muscles 4 - Back 11 - Major oblique B - TrapeziI 12 - Major longitudinal The Body Control 4 consists of 2 outputs of two 90cm long wires ending in 2 groups of 2 connecting plugs (2 yellow and 2 orange plugs). You may attach your SPORT-ELEC ® to the inside of your clothes or underwear with its clip. STEP 3 : Start your device by following the procedure in "Starting the unit" detailed previously in paragraph II. If you feel an unpleasant sensation around electrodes : decrease the power to minimum, move the electrodes and gradually increase the power. The adjustments being optimized in this way, let your device work during the full duration of the programme. Gently remove the electrodes, moisten them slightly with a few drops of water and put them carefully back to their protection holder. [. . . ] - The adhesive electrodes have a lifetime of about 40 uses, you can order them directly from the company headquarters or from your reseller SPORT-ELEC Institut - BP35 - 31 Rue du Val Breton - 27520 BOURGTHEROULDE - FRANCE Tél. SAFETY CHECK Every 24 months, check the following points : 1 - Check for superficial degradation of the equipment 2 - Check proper operation of the unit : * legible display * switch, contact 3 - Measure electric values : * with a 500-ohm load, the current must not exceed 100 V. 4 - Check reliability of accessories : * adhesive electrodes in good condition (no tears, no material defects) * wire of adhesive electrodes in good condition. [. . . ]